Sunday, February 4, 2018

Personal - Battling With Unknown Force

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post which I will like to share with you, which was about a battle between me and a ‘pusher’.

This is a SG bike (Another new mobile bike in Singapore)
Okay so what’s the story?
I noticed this SGbike was left along the pavement to my workplace from Bedok North Station, because it is a new mobile bike company so it captured my attention. And I found many mobile bikes laying (fall) on the ground caused an untidy scene, so I encouraged myself to help to tidy the place by pulling up all the fallen mobile bikes along my way; just to reduce the dislike-feeling toward mobile bikes/humanity.

But I noticed SGBike (because there is one and only along the way) always on the ground, despite that I put it upright for many occasions, but I still found it laying on the ground. I thought it is the strong and playful wind trying to troll me. I decided to let it rest on a pillar but for two or three times, it will be found slightly an arm-length away on the ground/grass patch. Then I concluded it is not God’s deed, but some troll’s work. We continued battling like that for weeks - it fell, I picked; It stood, troll pushed.

Until one day, I found...

It was found at the bicycle parking zone near the station but in its fallen position.
So I picked it up and wanted to prepare a proper documentation about it.
I believe I will stop him/her from doing such act.
After today, the SGbike was gone, so meaning... No more battle with a troll and at least in my memory, SGbike is still standing and I will continue to keep up the graciousness for everyone.


Update on 04th May 2018
Recently I realised something special about my battle place (the pavement)

These few weeks, I noticed the number of falls of mobile-bikes reduced to nearly zero, like everyone is trying to maintain the tidiness of the bike. I believe there is someone who is also helping out. I glad my action is part of the tidiness.


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