Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Personal - Random February

Hi Blog,

Note: About my randomness of the month post - it doesn't update daily. (I shall update only when I took picture randomly and serves as a collective post for my short moment of the day (isn't length enough to become a post)). So I conclude I shall post this until the end of the month. What do you think?
1st Feb 2018 - First Selfie for the month moment. Reason for taking a selfie 'not randomly' -
(1) Because I feel happy for myself. (2) I am not sure how to smile or which smile suits me - a crooked smile or shiny smile (3) If you realised, my hair parting is at the left side - That is the side that I see myself every day even mirror, which I actually am feeling comfortable at it. No wonder why I often feel weird to all my pictures I took as... Whatever side I am comfortable with, I shall learn to accept myself. Jia you Jeff!
1st Feb 2018 - Spotted a lazy fly sitting at my Sundew terrarium, so I took out my Aukey Lenses and I got it. :) Thank you fly for modeling for me. :) Spending time and effort to appreciate every small little detail. Praise Mother Nature.
2nd Feb 2018 - Don’t know why I feel so comfortable sitting in a meeting room, especially when I sat at the center of the table, the sudden gain of “power/authority” in my hand. Hmmm, I think again - I actually love the tranquil ambiance.
4th Feb 2018 - Despite of my injuries, my waifu deserved a good bath.
5th Feb 2018 - Feeling appreciated that my school leaders allowed me to wear shorts to work to dry up my wound.
6th Feb 2018 - Happy to take a picture for the morning of myself - because I just feel happy to learn that I slimmed down; credit to the supplement in my mouth which I took every morning and night, which aids weight loss which I tried for years.
9th Feb 2018 - I wanted to go for a jog, but my chest still hurt whenever I moved forcibly. So I decided to make a long distance walk and carrying this metal frame to my aunt's house. (from Marymount - Potong Pasir)
10th Feb 2018 - Today I went JB shopping! IT WAS FUN and I can only purchase within my budget $235 (sponsored by my auntie) and I bought my CNY clothings with the given budget. :D I have to thank my friends for helping out too.
12th Feb 2018 - I felt that I have to learn how to take pictures again with my phone and wondered how to save enough for replacement for my spoiled camera...
13th Feb 2018 - Few more days later CNY is coming. I have to rush the spring cleaning.
20th Feb 2018 - Great to watch a movie with friends, catching up Marvel new movie - Black Panther which I misspelled it as Black Partner.
22nd Feb 2018 - Thank you, KM for spending your time for a lunch together. I glad you are coping well in your study. Funny thing was when the moment you walked towards me, I saw images of you (when you were in pri 5) and stood tall infront of me with a deep voice. My brain had to re-register you and wrote to a newer version. Hahaha.

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