Friday, February 2, 2018

Personal - Attending My Cousin's Wedding

Hi Blog,

My ever first family (father's side) photo.
Today was my cousin's wedding day (my father's side relatives). To be honest, we barely know one another especially my uncle. Even my cousin's name... I only registered his by today. We flow the same blood but we are a total stranger... I am asking myself, is it because I didn't put enough effort to know one another?

To be bland, not that I don't want to know them. You know my character, I will leave no man behind unless he/she decided to go own their own way. In this case and worse, is my direct relative. I foresee after our next generation, we won't know one another existence.

I take this blame to myself, as my environment is created, reflecting our hidden self or allow us to learn something from it.

"If I don't open up to others, or give myself a chance/putting effort to reach out, then I should not blame others for pushing us away. Just like today, it is my first time seeing my nephew - Kai. I have two choices - stay cool and be 'friendly' or I treat him like mine.

And he sticks close to me, open to me. I will say after this event, we might not meet again but at least I left a good impression of him. So do my stranger-cousin/relatives. I will try my best to remember them."

Chinese kinship has a unique way to address one another title. It is a form of respect to call one another based on "level".

Great reference aka cheat code
Myself, My mother, Kai (侄兒), My elder uncle (姑丈) and auntie (姑姑), My Big uncle (大伯) and auntie (姨伯) and my second uncle (小叔) and auntie (嬸嬸).
Smile :)
Here are my cousin and his Thai wife. All the best to both of you, not sure when will I ever see you again.
Mother, I know you really hope I get married sooner... So sorry that I am a useless son... that Heaven makes me unworthy and unattractive/undesirable/less popular picked by women... But remember this, Mother. In life, filial to my parent is my purpose in life; filial to Heaven is my core in this universe. If I am destined with a wife, she will come no matter what. Heaven KNOWS what is best for me.

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