Sunday, February 25, 2018

Personal - Busy Weekend

Hi Blog,

It was a short post for my weekend... Oh my... I have a busy weekend!

Trying to spend whatever spare time to rest.
On Saturday, I stayed at my brother's house on to help up preparing food for his guest and our relatives. I felt happy to help out my mother in preparing the vegetables and dishes together.

I also invited my childhood brothers to visit us.
Brother for 20+ years
Add L to complete the group.
After that, around night time, I had to travel to my sister's house to tidy her room. The Saturday was like a family day! :) Following the next Sunday morning, woke up early like 7am and travelled down to North-East to meet up with my another family.

Friends for 20+ yearsand growing.
I didn't prepare any food here but busy eating steamboat (ended up I gained back ALL MY LOST WEIGHT!) and travelling around for house visiting. When I reached home, had a good warm bath, and napped until evening time... before next errand... feeling fat and tiring...

Honestly... I give up... my body is trolling me... I feel so less motivated now... from the past, I tried and only recently managed to reduce 4kg, now... I gained back 4kg... I really don't know what to do... I can only blame myself for stupid anxiety issue and inferior complexity of going to gym... I want to work out or force myself to gym but I got busy with many other important stuff... seriously... I don't know now...

I asked myself One day... I learned I only have a few days to live, will I care my body, weight lost or the stuff which I need to accomplish for others? I know my answer already.

Dear Heaven, just hope you don't let me gain too much weight... if you do... I will live on your will.


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