Sunday, February 11, 2018

Hiking - Last Hike for Year of Rooster

Hi Blog,

After a week from my bicycle fall, my chest still yet recovered but I have not engaged any workout for some days.

I shall go for hiking today.
Getting ready and feeling fat day.
Today morning sky I witnessed clouds gathered doing their prayer.
Meeting YY, K and D at Beauty world station - they will want to visit all five quarries.
We will start at Hindhede Nature Park - Easy quarry to achieve.
Long time never selfie with my camera
1st Quarry - Hindhede Quarry
Okay, my wefie was a blur one...
2nd Quarry - Singapore Quarry
Got excited finding a tortoise swimming in the poud
Smile then jump!
3rd Quarry - Daily Farm Quarry
We were taller than the quarry
I wish my kickstarter selfly come sooner.
Turn back and cheat our speed and distance by taking a bus to the next quarry.
4th Quarry - Bukit Batok Quarry
Fat man selfie!
Something bad happened... My camera dropped directly on a rock...
Look at the fade-line crack at the side...
5th Quarry - Little Guilin/Bukit Gombak Quarry (Zone B)
Last and awesome walk.
Here is the map of the five quarries.
Too bad, we didn't cover the 6th quarry and my camera spoiled... Hope my selfly can replace my selfie camera or save enough for new camera...


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