Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Blog - October Overview

Hi Blog,

It seemed like making a monthly update overview is a great way to organize my posts. Additional, I added in a Random moment overview which is for short post. What is your thought over it?

2nd Oct 2017 -
Pulling Myself Forward
4th Oct 2017 -
5th Oct 2017 -
Swim at Tampines Safra
6th Oct 2017 -
Halloween Horror Night 7
8th Oct 2017 -
Lazarus and Kusu again
7th Oct 2017 -
Aukey 3x HD Zoom Lens
14th Oct 2017 -
Noon Hiking
10th Oct 2017 -
Nerdy OOTD Collection
18th Oct 2017 -
Nature Trail Loop
23rd Oct 2017 -
Natural Graphic Wave
26th Oct 2017 -
Aukey 3-in1 Phone Lens
28th Oct 2017 -
Swim Twice & Medal Collection
29th Oct 2017 -
Early Morning Jog
30th Oct 2017 -
Chicken Days
Random Oct Posts-
Check it out!

Personal - Random October

Hi Blog,

Finally there was a post specially for random moments of my life. It can be treated like an overview too. So the hashtag #randomness and #overview can be more defined. Randomness is post which I find difficult to give a title to and Overview is a thumbnail of every moment.

So back to October, there were some random moment which I will love to achieve and will come with thought of the day.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Personal - Chicken Days

Hi Blog,

Few weeks ago, something interesting had been become a hot topic in my workplace.

Two Hens were spotted nesting the eggs near the basketball court!
I love chicken since young especially when a chicken family was roaming around exploring the world - Rooster stood there handsomely and looked out for dangerous, Hen will shelter and guide her chicks, and those little chicks just "cheap cheap" their grow-up journey.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Jogging - Wake Up Early

Good Morning Blog,

Yesterday I had a good long chat with my sister and while helping her to pack her stuff, as she will be moving out to her own home. We packed until quite late and I still tried to wake myself up early for a short jog.

And I did it. It had been awhile since my early morning jog.
Today post was a short and random one.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Swimming - Swim Twice and Medal Collection

Hi Blog,

Today swim was a special one - (1) Got to swim with my army friends, first time ever. (2) Collecting my medal for my good conduct and record throughout my reservist years.

(Breath and Tummy in) It had been awhile since the sun showed up itself.
Because I needed to accomplish to do two tasks before noon, I will meet my army friends at Bishan Swimming Pool then followed by collecting my medal at Toa Payoh Safra and swim with my swimming kakis.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Product - Aukey 3-in1 Phone Lens

Hi Blog,

Before I bought Aukey 3x telephoto phone lens (post link), I actually bought Aukey 3-in-1 lens from Carousell but it shipped from Hong Kong. Now I owned three/four different Aukey lenses.

Here was Aukey 3-in1 Phone Lens.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Personal - Natural Graphic Wave

Hi Blog,

Today I noticed a aurora effect created from our lab projector (due to burn, old lens) but when I got closer.

Beautiful aurora effect!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Hiking - Chestnut Nature Park - Nature Trail Loop

Happy Deepavali Blog,

Today was a public holiday and great morning weather, what will I usually do? I WENT FOR A HIKE! I thought my new lens will arrive in time but it seemed like nope... So it will be a normal hike and so I decided to visit Chestnut Nature Park - Northern Hiking Loop. (You may click here to jump to Chestnut Northern Loop than going through my nonsense)

By the way, I bought a spare white suit to end my trisuit purchase.
Let's go!

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Hiking - Noon Hike

Good Afternoon Blog,

Today Saturday, usually what will I do? Yes, either cycling or hiking. I thought of cycling but my sister was in the midst of moving house and her boxes filled up the whole living room, so it was a hassle to move the boxes to make way for fattie, so I decided to hike. Initially, I wanted to hike in the morning but one of my friends wanted to hike in the noon, but during noon time, he didn't even check his message at all... when I talked about the meeting time... I guessed... I just sucked my thumb and hiked on my own next time.

Wore a free headband and an apple a day for my meal.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Personal - My Nerdy OOTD Gallery

Hi Blog,

I noticed my attire style was quite standard, and I always will wear the same outfit throughout these years. My style was to look fitting than loose. So I had started since July 2017 until now, to gather most of my outfit shots.

I wore these because I simply love them.
Quite randomly and I understand, but I treated it as my personal collection. :)

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Trip - Lazarus Island and Kusu Island Again

Hi Blog,

After my recce session on 30 Sep 2017 post, and becoming a red lobster on that day; today I will be bringing my friends to visit that island.

My evil and stare-your-soul smile after Halloween Night.
During this trip, it was quite entertaining to go with friends and it was great to have them contributing pictures to my blog.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Product - Aukey Lens 3x Zoom

Hi Blog,

Recently I bumped to a random video about Aukey 3X Telephoto Lens on YouTube home page (video below)

I felt like getting it and I got one from Carousell.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Trip - Universal Studio Singapore Halloween Horror Nights 2017

Hi Blog,

This year without fail, I will definitely go for HHN hosted by USS. Initially, I wanted to go for the VIP tour, but I was budgeting... So I can only purchase an admission pass and express pass at Sentosa.

Just purchased an express pass for that day!
This year theme was the 7 Deadly Sins to match their 7th HHN event in Singapore.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Swimming - Tampines Safra Swim

Hi Blog,

Today I had a meeting session somewhere East, so I wanted to go for a good swim, then I recalled I have a safra member card! I slapped my head and told myself, "why do I go to Tampines Safra to swim instead?"

Today was my first time to step foot to Tampines Safra Pool.

Dress up in the spacious quiet male toilet - Love the tranquility.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Personal - SpiderNerd

Hi Blog,

Previously I tried out my Spider-man suit and failed miserably due to I can't zip up the back-zipper and without a face-shell. (post here)

So I did some research online and decided to try it again. Let's start by resolving back-zipper issue.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Jogging - Pulling Myself Forward

Hi Blog,

The first day of October, I shall go easy with myself despite my sunburn still sore, and my tummy felt weird and 'watery' but I still went for a short jog.

Once I reached home, I quickly changed to jogging attire without any delay. Can't let my lazy mind flooding in.