Monday, October 23, 2017

Personal - Natural Graphic Wave

Hi Blog,

Today I noticed a aurora effect created from our lab projector (due to burn, old lens) but when I got closer.

Beautiful aurora effect!
My mini aurora I will ever see in my life.
I found "graphic" effect behind the screen!!! Oh my! It was my first naturally created graphic! Impressive!! Amazing!!!
Check out this beautiful natural graphical effect!

There are some examples of how a line graphic (digitally created) looks like
(First time) I tried to interact and move the "aurora" effect, but it was not that smooth though.

How is the effect created?

It was due to the reflection on the rough glossy plastic sheet on the table, and combine the lighting from the projector, it created such amazing effect.

On the next day, I recreate the "magic" with better photo shoot.

Let's start experiment.
Recreation Success!
Changed the lighting but reflection stayed.
With a bright light source, the 'graphic' looked more intense.
I changed to a glossy surface and new graphic created.
Change of colour won't help much.
Here were the graphic design created by nature.

Here was a video that I captured on that day

Anyway, I had to really thank Heaven for allowing me to witness at the right place, time and situation, and for me to play around with it.


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