Saturday, October 28, 2017

Swimming - Swim Twice and Medal Collection

Hi Blog,

Today swim was a special one - (1) Got to swim with my army friends, first time ever. (2) Collecting my medal for my good conduct and record throughout my reservist years.

(Breath and Tummy in) It had been awhile since the sun showed up itself.
Because I needed to accomplish to do two tasks before noon, I will meet my army friends at Bishan Swimming Pool then followed by collecting my medal at Toa Payoh Safra and swim with my swimming kakis.

I recalled my chat with my friend named YD, he told me to get over my perception over body issue. He was right, and while chatting with him, I learned that I took years to get over my body issue and walking out from my past. For now, I will say that I still have some trigger points and at most, I will walk away from them and accept some reality-facts; then string back on my feet again.
I am Jeff - one and only. I can have fitness like others, I look as good as them, but the journey I picked is a different one. Really different and not many will understand or treasure as much as I do - 'The White Journey'.
Even the sky acknowledged that - the separation between mainstream and special ones. I will be courageous and wise sooner.
Next stop was to rush to Toa Payoh Safra for my medal. After some confusion at the information counter and obscure collection table directly opposite one another with a non-related event banner behind shouting - "learn, play and win!" Anyway, I managed to get a small box and shake my hand with a captain.

Holding the box at the pool and replaying my memory bank.
I got Good Service Award!
What a beautiful medal. :,)
I was surprised to receive this medal because it's requirements are to maintain a good record of conduct throughout 5 years of NS service (reservist/regular) and at least three high key reservists.

To others, it was just a piece of cheap plastic with a glossy coating or prefer monetary award. To me, it is a milestone of my life for doing my duty as a man, as a citizen of my country.

It is also a recognition from NS of my service. (Even though after I ORD for very long time.) but one thing for sure, when I put on my uniform, I am ready to serve my nation.

I know it is an easy medal to claim, but it is how I treasure and appreciate this medal.

once again, the sky acknowledged with a beautiful ray - my favourite ray effect.
Smile as always, Jiayou!


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