Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Personal - Random October

Hi Blog,

Finally there was a post specially for random moments of my life. It can be treated like an overview too. So the hashtag #randomness and #overview can be more defined. Randomness is post which I find difficult to give a title to and Overview is a thumbnail of every moment.

So back to October, there were some random moment which I will love to achieve and will come with thought of the day.

4th Oct 2017 - I found this printed photo on my table. It was from Mr C, with some written word, "In all our photos but never seen..." followed by my name. Honestly I felt so touched by his gesture. After working in school for so many years, this was something which I buried. No one to express and just live on, as I witnessed many events and happening, but I was not in there. well... In a big picture, we must not forget how many people were sacrificed and forgotten. Never forget them.
4th Oct 2017 - Ahhhh It was nice to bump to one of the ex-pupils who still recognise me and great to see them grow up.
5th Oct 2017 - Ah! Thank you kids for coming back and willingly to take a wefie with me. :) Happy Children's day!
9th Oct 2017 - Today I went back early beside be home, I decided to go for a short jog. Different people with different commitments, sometimes we have to learn to understand and hear other people's issue before throw in any advises.
15th Oct 2017 - It had been awhile since July post my swimming kakis and I swam at Bishan Swimming Pool. I love the old layout of the swimming pool than the new Bedok and Tampines pool. And here I had to thank my goggle for accompanying my swimming journey.
17th Oct 2017 - Evening sun was so bright recently. I realised the weather in Singapore was getting hotter, I need two fans to cool myself down at night and when I was in the water, the water was warm and nice. :3
20th Oct 2017 - My bro, W decided to join my jogging but he was late and ended up, the forest got darken and can't jog in further. It was sad to see the tree got chopped down... hope they had a good reason for cutting it down.
21st Oct 2017 - Despite my unbendable camera, I will still use it for my daily activity. It was still usable. Today K and I did a SUPER Quick hike, so I had no time to take any pictures along the way.
23rd Oct 2017 - That night I opened my door and noticed something weird at my gardening area. I had a cute visitor and it didn't fly away as I got closer. No time for my lens.... then when I came back after an hour, it left a pot of bird poo....
30th Oct 2017 - Today was my 10th month of preparing my own lunch. Did I slim down? NOPE! I was still as fat as usual. Well... who cares now? I prepared my own lunch because I felt a sense of discipline in me and great to eat lightly. Something interesting was that I was not alone. :) Both of us were busy preparing our own lunch. Hahaha... What an experience.
30th Oct 2017 - This one was REALLY random and I don't even know what I was thinking, I just spammed taking pictures of myself and the bus stop!!! Hmmmm... I know why because even since the new downtown line started operation, this bus stop seemed less crowd!
Here were about all for this month randomness.


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