Friday, October 6, 2017

Trip - Universal Studio Singapore Halloween Horror Nights 2017

Hi Blog,

This year without fail, I will definitely go for HHN hosted by USS. Initially, I wanted to go for the VIP tour, but I was budgeting... So I can only purchase an admission pass and express pass at Sentosa.

Just purchased an express pass for that day!
This year theme was the 7 Deadly Sins to match their 7th HHN event in Singapore.

Seven Deadly Enemies of Man (source from DC Wikipedia)
Personally, I felt the use of seven sins was a brilliant idea! All those horrors or haunted driven forces were from the Sins we did. This year HHN7 casted their seven sin icons. (read more from Dejiki)

I wondered how the real seven sins linked to those seven sin icons... hmmm (source and read more from Deijki)
Epic seven sinisters!
Anyway, Just before the day of Halloween Horror Night visit, I found a platform for HHN7 at Tampines Mall! Oh yes! So excited!

Can't wait to visit HHN7! Thanks Alv for helping me to take this shots.
Okay back to topic!

I will make a jumplink to the heavy content with photos taken on that day (for easy reading).

Today trip to HHN7, I shall bring a DSLR as my EX-FR100 can't take well in the night. Hmmm... 
Great Weather today :D Thanks, Heaven.
Arriving to HHN7

My friends and I decided to go into USS HHN event right after it started.

Sunset at Sentosa
Universal Studio changed its colour on this special day.
Thanks, XY for joining me on this trip.
After a quick checking of ticket by the USS crews, we finally stepped in HHN7 
The 7 Sinisters greeted us on the stage.
And so do the moon.
I guessed my camera flash wasn't useful here.
Actually with flash kind of spoiled the overall atmosphere.
Show - Slice of Life Tour

A music concert of the Slit Face Girls - girls band from one of the haunted house, Make The Cut; who launched their new album and with some wonderful K-Pop dance move. They made some small drama during their performance which led to gore and blood, I will say quite entertaining.

You won't see this performance; if you were busy queuing for the haunted houses or taking pictures at the scare zones. So do check out their performance on YouTube.


When we reached USS, we quickly walked to Pantages Hollywood Theater for the HHN7 show - Laboratorium. It brought us back to the period of the Black Death, a doctor provided some special treatments for the patients and caused some side effects.

The whole show was quite funny and entertaining. Love the songs and lighting effect executed. Well done! And the most important highlight was the two stunt acts -  quite disturbing and intense.

Personally, I felt the stunt acts were a bit short... I wished they can extend the whole act and enriched the Black Death, but their approach was rather on the funny tone. I guessed we just don't complain too much so that visitors can spend some time queuing for the haunted houses.

Haunted Houses

Haunted Houses were the main dishes for HHN7. This year they had five main courses with an interesting theme. Personally, I love how they conceptualised a story for each haunted house than just scared visitors without a background setting. You can read more detail from Dejiki.

Death Mall - ***
Hmmmm I tried my best to think of a deep impression over this house beside the entrance area did give visitors a good scare. It seemed rather weak as compared to the rest of Haunted Houses.
Inside The Mind - *****
It was about the mind of a serial killer. They had some great scare methods and nearly got me especially the area where polluted by laser beams which blinded us from seeing whatever infront of us.
Make the Cut - ****
One of the interesting haunted house with a K-Pop theme - seeking out for new stars involved evil managers, plastic surgery and become soulless bodies. I won't say it is a haunted house, more like a horror house. One special thing about this house was, it was very bright than dark, like last year, which didn't depreciate the scare level.
HEX - *****
This haunted house was about black magic for love and desire; manipulated the cursed individuals and themselves. This place had one of the most dramatic houses of all. There were many props to decorate the whole place, effort appreciated.
Terror Cotta Empress - *****
Speaking of detailed and elaborated prop and costumes, this haunted house earned its title; It brought you to another world. You must not miss this house.
Zombie Laser Tag -
Too bad I can't afford a ticket to enter so I don't know whether it was good or not.
Scare Zone - Pilgrimage of Sin

The purpose for me to attend HHN was because I wanted to show my appreciation to the effort from the scare actors and crew - as they had to work early for make up, scared visitors for seven hours long, received insults and mockeries from people who think they were brave, still have to act professional, risked themselves from injuries, and went back home late. Believe me, it was not an easy task. (you may read up more from the confessions of a scare actor)

So my aim was to take pictures with all scare actors as many as possible. I will approach themselves politely and sought their permission to take pictures together. "May I take a picture with you?" then show my gratitude with a simple thank. Okay! back to the topic, here was my experience at this scare zone.

This scare zone was about the source of their sin, the people went insane and corrupted by their sin which trapped their souls in timeless hell.

Red and blue atmosphere - quite standard. haahah!!!
Looked like the title popped out from the picture
Flash simply spoiled everything
Nice detailed sculpted
Welcome to Pilgrimage of Sin
Did you spot something here?
The whole lighting here was dark but lighted up at the background which urged you to move forward in.
Let's go and explore this zone together.
Check out these bodies
Oooo! Someone was above watching us
Say hi!
Someone screamed at nowhere.
My first ghost captured together!
Just looked at him, very professional for pointing and scolding in the air.
WAH! Some ghost dressed so dark and "hairy" that you barely see in the dark!
Without a flash, you won't see this.
I was trying to creep behind her.
But she was willingly to pose with me.
My second ghost and respond properly to my request.
WOW! Epic make-up ghost!
Great pose by him!
I found some real people hiding in the cage
Found one more hiding inside and he did scare many unexpected visitors. Well done for him!
Interesting fire pillar and it looked like a errr....
Very beautiful fire! I hope to make one like this!
Speaking of fire, at Pilgrimage of Sin, there was an animated ring of fire.
This circle was for the sinister to perform his act!
After some epic moves and casting his spell to the people. Very professional!
After his spell, he calmed down and slowly walked away from the ring.
Very mystery and 'Shuai'!
back to burning effect!
Posed with me without me asking
Something wrong with this angle...
Firey power I can have. :D
One of the gore and bloody display in HHN7
My legs started to feel aching
Two cameras shot at the same time.
Without flash, you can't see that fake mask clearly.
Difficult to take picture with this, his maskup was quite well done.
Want to fight?
Ready to tie me up?
Smile for the camera
You got me!
Oh? XY suggested an idea.
He wanted to use the wheel to portray...
I am one of the sinister.
My new Phone wallpaper! ROCK!
Blurry Wheel.... Can't see the spines...
Scare Zone - Happy Horror Days

Okay! Next scare zone - Happy Horror Days. Quite creative with naming, I was impressed. One obvious prop which stood out, was this giant calendar.

glowing bright red calendar
Look at the size of the calendar - amazing.
Draining XY's brain
Difficult to capture him without flash and lucky we managed to get it clearly.
A giant clock greeted us at the entrance.
Calling everyone in their scare zone.
After done shooting, he just walked away.
Happy Horror Year
With flash to show the detail setup for this prop.
Back of the time.
Again! XD
It seemed like I got lost in time.
April Fool
IT inspired.
It looked like that head was staring into our soul.
Lucky this ghost stopped it from staring us deeply.
I thought it is real!
It was great that the scare actors will interact with the visitors, including taking pictures.
Valentines Day
One of my worst horror day... Horror in my life
"What are you doing here? Go away!"
Suddenly a woman crying. Oh my! This was scary. I was scared of women crying.
"Hey lady, will you mind look at the camera?"
Chinese New Year
One of the most interesting ghost - hairy, huge and...
difficult to get him stand in place for pictures.
We tried!
Lucky I got mine too!
Professional scare actress
another one spotted!
And a fake one on the ground.
Riding on the dragon
Hmmmm.... okay. She was dead.
St. Patrick's Day
Chomp chomp!
Was he looking at the camera correctly?
Okay... He was looking at different camera.
OH OH! He was attacked by ghost! Quite creative scare!
Tiny little ghost
"I want some GOLD."
Easter Day
Dramatic Easter Egg
"Don't be scared, Easter Egg. I am here."
I found a poor dead lady. Wait, let me get ready.
To take a pic with her!
SMILE! So cute of her. :3
This rabbit really scare the hell of every visitor except those who stood behind.
Thanks for posing for us!
Christmas Day
Oh man, She was freezing. Dead freezing.
Random things we do

Hmmmm We had completed the whole scare zones, haunted houses and shows. Now we decided to go random stuff.

For me, I will love to hold a fireball like a wizard (continue doing the same thing like last year. Link here). XD
Took one for XY by lower the exposure.
Hi buddy! See you again! :D Every year without fail.
oooooooo Chio Bo....
OOPS! Got captured by XY!
"Am I charming? :) okay... someone is puking."
Donkey was more charming than me. LOL
Midnight castle lighting
And lesser crowd
Hahaha I had never got scared by anyone during HHN7 but this guy got me. Hahaha what a festive spirit.
Thank you guys for patiently waiting for me to take pictures with the scare actors.
Moon.... Red moon for the night.
Overall, HHN7 event was interesting and memorable. Next year I will want to try VIP, so by that time, see you again.

Here, I decided to make a space specially for my favourite actress, Michelle Chong who acts as Ah Lian visiting HHN7. Love her reaction and acting skill - simply reminded me of one famous comedy actress - Lucy.


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