Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Hiking - Chestnut Nature Park - Nature Trail Loop

Happy Deepavali Blog,

Today was a public holiday and great morning weather, what will I usually do? I WENT FOR A HIKE! I thought my new lens will arrive in time but it seemed like nope... So it will be a normal hike and so I decided to visit Chestnut Nature Park - Northern Hiking Loop. (You may click here to jump to Chestnut Northern Loop than going through my nonsense)

By the way, I bought a spare white suit to end my trisuit purchase.
Let's go!
Good weather smooth my mood.
Good morning plants and birds
Good morning sky and clouds
Preview of a real me - short and fat
Preview of a dream me - tall and slim
Today was a crowded day...
After tree top walk, the crowd returned to its normal state.
The morning sun was warm.
Looked like I shrank down in size.
It had been awhile since I visited this path.
Posed for the picture.
Give me all the light power
Black face today (no pun intended)
It took me awhile to walk to this area because the whole path was muddy-soaked. 
Chestnut Nature Park - Nature Trail Loop

This was the hiking loop which I had not covered before.
This Nature Trail Loop was located near the car park. It should be easy to find, so Let's go in!
Here was the map of Northern Hiking Loop, today I will go to Nature Trail Loop.
There was three trail loops together. You may click on the links for the past posts.
For Southern Trail Loop (here) and Northern Trail Loop (here). 
Became a tree man!
NO ONE VISITED THIS LOOP!!! except someone behind me.
This Nature Trail Loop seemed untouched and peaceful. :)
There were many insects and birds filled up the tranquility.
Quite stable mini bridge
"Hey there, are you following me?"
I guessed I am talking to myself... Hahaha
Hahaha! I found mini durian fruit here and there were a lot of these, but too bad I can't find any ripe one.
No sweat today - the headband helped!
too tired... Took train home and I forgot to bring my t-shirt out...
Oh my! Did you spot a sexy boy here? Just kidding. I wished that I can be one.
Okay :) Time to be busy again.


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