Saturday, October 14, 2017

Hiking - Noon Hike

Good Afternoon Blog,

Today Saturday, usually what will I do? Yes, either cycling or hiking. I thought of cycling but my sister was in the midst of moving house and her boxes filled up the whole living room, so it was a hassle to move the boxes to make way for fattie, so I decided to hike. Initially, I wanted to hike in the morning but one of my friends wanted to hike in the noon, but during noon time, he didn't even check his message at all... when I talked about the meeting time... I guessed... I just sucked my thumb and hiked on my own next time.

Wore a free headband and an apple a day for my meal.
Had never tried to hike during noon time... I guessed it will lesser visitors.
The sun seemed okay and not cloudy.
Growing a tree guy.
It seemed like the visitors were not as dense as morning time.
I can't wait for drone to come!
Looking around to test my Aukey 3x Zoom Lens
But the crowds were getting more and more when I went deeper
My Ex-Fr100 started to get me some issue... I think I should not put it into salty water... It rusted its joints....
Such big lens... Quite troublesome to carry it around.
Luckily It went well in my sweat band. :)
You can read more about the Aukey lens and I had included my test with Aukey Zoom lens on my phone. (click here for the post)

Managed to capture a Skink in a distance.
You can't complete a full panorama with Aukey Lens
OOOOO! Swallow!
Hi Butterfly. I guess you can take this in a distance, too close it will fly away.
Damselfly! Woooow!
Some unknown bug.
Overall, zooming to capture them will be the purpose of that lens. :) Feeling great! It is a good lens to have.

First time of not sweating too much and wet my hairs. :D thank you Headband.

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