Saturday, October 7, 2017

Product - Aukey Lens 3x Zoom

Hi Blog,

Recently I bumped to a random video about Aukey 3X Telephoto Lens on YouTube home page (video below)

I felt like getting it and I got one from Carousell.

I got it :D
Here were my feedback on that lens.

(LEFT) It was a picture taken without the lens in my brother vehicle and (RIGHT) showed the result with the lens on. QUite sharp!
(LEFT) Normal without lens and (RIGHT) with the lens on - It doesn't do that well when you got closer to the object, it got blurry because I realised it is not macro lens! It was a telephoto lens.
It came with a nice protective casing for this lens and with caps.
As you can see, it was not a small lens; it was slightly heavy and spherical in shape like an eye.
I brought the lens out to test it during my Hiking trip (post) and here was the outcome.

(LEFT) I took a picture of the scene and (Right) with the lens, it looked quite awesome and some lens flare!
Normal shot of MacRichie Reservoir
(LEFT) I zoomed in a bit, it looked quite normal; not actual zoom; and (RIGHT) with the lens, it looked the same but slightly spherical-distorted.
Without any zoom - (LEFT) was a normal wide-angle picture but (RIGHT) was zoomed. My apology that I didn't place my lens well and you will see a dark corner.
But when come to zoom, Aukey lens did a good job which showed on the (RIGHT), it enhanced the digital zoom.
Normal shot
(LEFT) MAX Zoom and (RIGHT) MAX Zoom, Aukey did a good job!
I will continue to bring it out for shooting and still waiting for the Macro lens to arrive, hopefully I can use it during my next hike.


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