Sunday, October 29, 2017

Jogging - Wake Up Early

Good Morning Blog,

Yesterday I had a good long chat with my sister and while helping her to pack her stuff, as she will be moving out to her own home. We packed until quite late and I still tried to wake myself up early for a short jog.

And I did it. It had been awhile since my early morning jog.
Today post was a short and random one.
Wear my headband and let's go!
Random caption: I smelled something weird here.... okay... someone pissed at the public corner... So inconsiderate... but... to think back... I feel pity for that person as he has some mental issue... so no choice to learn to live with him.
oBike, where are you going to?
and why you left me... 
Jogging at MacRitchie with other joggers somehow motivated me to continue to jog non-stop (slow and steady speed) better than I jogged alone because I will be busy looking around. hahaha! okay! time to go back and help my sister again!


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