Saturday, September 30, 2017

Trip - Lazarus Island and Kusu Island

Good morning Blog,

Today XY and I were planning to go to recee a new place which is yet known among Singaporeans, which is Lazarus Island. (link to read more about the place) One thing that attracted my attention - the BEAUTIFUL Beach!

After some research online, it was quite easily accessible by ferry ride at Marina South Pier.

The first time stepped foot at this MRT station
Feeling excited and thrilled to explore a new place.

Looked at the weather - Good day :) Thank Heaven
Ahhhhh this is Marina South Pier!
Due to XY's change of working schedule, he can't make it. Luckily JH can make it.
OH MY! We can travel to Pulau Hantu and other exciting islands from here too!
OOOOOOOO! This ferry ride covers St. John Island and Kusu Island! NICE!
For the price of $18! and check out their website!
Dark clouds were moving away from the sea
Good morning to the Sun.
Complex operating engine
Let's GO!
That is Pulau Tekukor, I hope to go here.... (read more)
That is Sister's Island. One day I will be there too.
Tip of St. John's Island!
Leaving Singapore behind us.
Arrived safely at St. John's Island port.
Same sign as Pulau Hantu.
You will find many stray cats on St. John's Island - they are starving...
Some information about St. John's Island.
Map of St. John's Island.
let's explore the island before crossing over to Lazarus Island.
Awww.... sometimes I wondered... where is she...
Beautiful scenery
We decided to explore the north side of St. John's Island.
A discarded sewage pipe
A lagoon for kayaking
Looked like a row of toilet
A lot of tall trees are spotted here as Lazarus Island has shorter trees.
Hmm, it seemed there was something there and there were a lot of sand flies!
Oo Danger here
It was a rocky shore.
Yup, Not safe to swim here.
Many sand flies here too! RUN!
We decided to explore the West side of St. John's Island - Visiting Tropical Marine Science Institute 
Nice institute - I dream of working here. Peaceful and quiet
Here, there was a marine park outreach.
Like a resort
A tank of mangrove setting.
Archerfish! Their faces were so cute - don't look at us.
Marine Park Outreach and Education Centre
Seeding Coral tank
Coral is a living thing.
Interesting display
Some info about coral seeding
Beautiful coral here too
It looked like a stone but they were alive.
Clownfish trying to hide from us
Fishy fishy
Looked like drosera (sundew) in the sea
After visiting that facility, we decided not to waste time and travelled down to Lazarus Island asap.

Spotted a Kampong area
Looked abandoned...
It was part of history
I will remember this.
Mangrove somehow emitted a weird smell...
Somehow similar feeling looking at those trees... Just like Hantu :)
Here is the new bridge which was newly built to cross over to Lazarus Island
(JH) Just cross over, So Simple!
The sky, land and water... Just nice.
Connection to Lazarus Island
Nice overview from St. John's Island
Thank you, JH for helping me :)
My Orochi mode triggered!
Getting close and someone was fishing here
Titan was coming!
Lazarus Island was still new, I didn't see any map of this place. There are several lagoons for water activity.
Exploring the new island
There was a jetty for private boat
The northern side of Lazarus Island
Hi to Singapore!
(JH) Thank you, JH for helping me take such epic pictures, my favourite pictures of the day.
And these. :)
Time to go to the highlight of the day - BEACH!

Check out these SOFT White sand!
The water ... OMG! SO CLEAN!
Starry eyes and my heart were SCREAMING "Let's JUMP IN!"
(JH) Nice photo from him of how beautiful the beach is.
Strip off and bathed under the sun!
How to make the camera stand upright... Hmmm challenging.
I don't care what people think of me. I just embraced and YOLO!
Love the gradient of the water. OMG!
Thumb up for Lazarus Island
I know I don't have a strong toned back... but... I don't care anymore.
At least I was healthy, that was what mattered.
My Orochi mode can't work in this beautiful water!
Can someone play Baywatch music?
"Poseidon's Secret Agent...."
"MR JEFF WONG!" Clap clap clap
Just kidding! I can't be that. Sorry for dreaming.
But I will just embrace the moment.
You like? :3
Just pose for the picture, thank JH for helping too.
Just spread my arms and dried myself under the hot sun !!

So I decided to walk back to the jetty to that big toilet and dried my trunk; honestly... No one bothered. LOL Unattractive people like me won't get any attention even when you wear LOUDLY.
Because there was no TOILET nearby and I forgot to bring extra clothing...

Finally arrived!
But after we went in... We realised that those toilets were locked and not functioning anymore. So better plan your route properly if you really need to go to the toilet as there are only a few toilets available on those islands. Remember to bring toilet paper too.

Managed to reach the ferry and it was on its way to Kusu Island.
Sticky tee on salty unwashed body
I bathed enough under the sun, time to hide under the shelter.
KUSU ISLAND! My childhood best BEACH memory.
Kusu means tortoise, as it is shaped like a tortoise.
Nice clean water too
Totally different feel when you landed on this small island.
A bit of information about the island
We only had 20 mins on this island, there were many things we needed to do!
visit the temple!
Make a wish!
No more tortoises...
Entrance of the temple
Thank JH for helping and I became the fourth tortoise.
Pray and pay respect
Look at such a beautiful and peaceful lagoon. too bad everyone already enjoyed themselves at St. John's Island or Lazarus.
Food centre without any potential service.... like a ghost town
Tortoise shelter.
Another bigger lagoon :D wah, beautiful!
I was so dead...
but not yet :)
Mr Tortoise taught me some important lessons

1️⃣ take things slowly hence to enjoy every moment and process
2️⃣ breathe in and out slowly hence everyone has a limited number of breath, so treasure it
3️⃣ carrying a 'shell' as our backbone, meaning what kind of attitude/character we are carrying in our life.
4️⃣ anything that happened, 'retract our head' and look into the matter before making a quick reaction.

Guarded by the tortoises!
Pardon me for my messy hair.
Tiring day...
But still a great trip!
Did you see a red lobster? and...
That's ME! Black and red!
I will visit Lazarus Island again and this time, I have everything planned out. Here is the link for my 2nd trip.


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