Monday, October 2, 2017

Jogging - Pulling Myself Forward

Hi Blog,

The first day of October, I shall go easy with myself despite my sunburn still sore, and my tummy felt weird and 'watery' but I still went for a short jog.

Once I reached home, I quickly changed to jogging attire without any delay. Can't let my lazy mind flooding in.
Good weather today but kind of late...
A track was closed and I don't know where was the track they were talking about. By the way... I should never visit the toilet to take a leak... because it will have a stain like.... Nooo....
Anyway lucky no one was jogging here, so I was safe from embarrassment moment!
Selfie and Yes! Double selfie! Hahaha
oops... the sky was getting darker now. I better hurry but my tummy just kept on releasing wind...
While jogging, I reflected back to my recent post on accepting myself. I felt less depressed and just simply enjoy living at the moment now. I believe Heaven gave me the BEST - learning to see things differently to widen my wisdom. I should not complain or upset over it.

Make it in time before it got any darker.
Let's go, Jeff. Go back home now.
I have never taken a picture of my street near my place before. My home was a unique area in Singapore - a lot of eateries.
Suddenly I recalled of something!
Which was to show in cold water than heated water. It has many benefits for showing in cold water. (read more)
I guess I will shower cold water for now onward. :)
Beside losing fat, I was also looking into "build strong will power", "improve emotional resilience" and "relieve depression". Thank you Heaven for helping me to setup my journey.


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