Thursday, August 31, 2017

Blog - August Overview

Hi Blog,

It seems like table overview looks more organized and serve like a report for visitors to learn what I had updated for that month. Most importantly it is for me to log my activity.

3rd Aug 2017 -
First Aug Jog
4th Aug 2017 -
NDP Songs
5th Aug 2017 -
Doing Errand
7th Aug 2017 -
Happy Birthday JH
8th Aug 2017 -
Night Aug Cycling
10th Aug 2017 -
Swim at Condo Finally
12th Aug 2017 -
Flying to Ipoh
12th Aug 2017 -
Visit Concubine Lane
12th Aug 2017 -
Visit Sam Poh Tong
12th Aug 2017 -
Visit Kek Lok Tong
12th Aug 2017 -
Ian's De Splendid Homestay
13th Aug 2017 -
Gaharu Tea Valley
18th Aug 2017 -
Fully Packed Weekend
13th Aug 2017 -
Kellie's Castle
14th Aug 2017 -
Qing Xin Ling
14th Aug 2017 -
Thought about the trip
23rd Aug 2017 -
Awkward Happening
29th Aug 2017 -
Meet our Taiwan Friend
30th Aug 2017 -
Teachers' Day
Random August Posts -
check it out!
31st Aug 2017 -
Trying Different Bikes

Cycling - Trying Different Bikes

Hi Blog,

Today was Teachers' Day and the school closed, that meant I can cycle to workplace. I guess I have to leave a set of attire over my workplace, as I am too sexy to walk around in my tights.

White Cross!
Today I will be trying out oBike for the first time at night with my friends. I will share my thought over the oBike.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Personal - Teacher's Day

Hi Blog,

This week was celebrating Teachers' Day and I was tasked to do many things like tribute videos and picture taking during the week.

On 28th Aug 2017, Started my foreveralone selfie session
Here was how I experienced the celebration.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Personal - Meeting our Taiwanese Friend

Hi Blog,

Sorry I didn't update anything these few days because I had meetings and classes to attend and many random things I did (I will make such post)

DO you like my haircut? Finally, my hairdresser knew what I want my hair.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Personal - Random August

Hi Blog,

This month I had many random moments and finally I know how to label "Randomness" for my post. Here was some short random moments on those dates.

07/08/2017 - I was preparing for my new passport as mine was about to expire sooner, since I can't find my soft copy of my previous passport photo, I decided to take this year school profile pic. Then I tried to have some fun on my face, I realised that I looked so different!!! Do you know that our face is not symmetrical and each side actually present certain unique characters and different truths about ourselves. Which side of my face you like? Haha I love my right side, how I wish I can really look like that forever. Haha 😂 but that is only one Jeff so I got mixed with left. What do you think?

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Swimming - Awkward Happening

Good Evening Blog,

Today I had some time for a short swim before my next meeting, and I realised there is a swimming pool - Geylang East Swimming Pool, near my meeting place.

Quiet and open swimming pool
But something awkward happened to me...

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Personal - My Fully Packed Weekend

Hi Blog,

This weekend was quite packed for me since Friday night until Sunday night. Let's start from Friday night (18/08/2017). It was BP's birthday and we agreed to go for a night walk from ECP to Marina Barrage to recce for our friends for a future night walk. So as promised, let's try it out!

with my messy hair, who cares?

Monday, August 14, 2017

Personal - Thoughts of the Ipoh Trip

"To have a happy trip is not about the location but depend on the people whom you are going with." ~ Jeff
Planning a trip for a bigger group is a challenging task if a group more than 30 like a school will require more group leaders to take care the needs and wants of the people, but everyone seemed very cooperative! Like some helped to foot the bill first then collected later, purchased of some products like water and cup noodles for homestay, feedbacks and having fun!

Goodbye Ian's De Splendid Homestay

Trip - Ipoh - Day 3 - Qing Xin Ling 清心陵

Good Morning Blog,

Third day already, we packed up our luggages and emotions leaving the Ian's homestay. Our last place to visit was Qing Xin Ling Leisure & Cultural village 清心陵 (official website), which is highly recommended from Google search and praised by the locals. (Read on their feedbacks)

Reached Qing Xin Ling area, the beautiful mountains and rock formations, were impressive.
It is Ipoh famous tourists spot and since we visited this place on Monday, so we won't expect any crowds.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Trip - Ipoh - Day 2 - Kellie's Castle 凱莉城堡

Continue from the previous post.

It was about noon time, hot and sunny! The moment when we alighted from the vehicle and looked at the castle, we already felt the hesitation to enter this place - crowded and emptiness.

The sign was telling us that we were near

Trip - Ipoh - Day 2 - Gaharu Tea Valley 沉香山茶園

Good Morning Blog,

After yesterday tiring tour, my Ipoh friend and driver suggested we go to Gaharu Tea Valley and Kellie's Castle in the morning part of our itinerary.

Everyone was quite agreeable after hearing ZN's sharing of those two places and understood the convenient traveling distance points.

Approaching Gaharu Tea Valley
Gaharu Tea Valley/Agarwood Plantation (link) is located Gopeng, southern direction of Ipoh and it seemed like Malaysia is a place where needs a lot exploration!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Trip - Ipoh - Day 1 - Ian's De Splendid Homestay

Continue from the previous post,

Surprisingly our homestay was actually far from shopping areas or whatever plan we had in our itinerary, but Ian's De Splendid Homestay (link) can accommodate many people.

Outside Ian's De Splendid Homestay neighborhood

Trip - Ipoh - Day 1 - Kek Lok Tong 極樂洞

Continue from previous post,

Just five to ten mins car ride, we arrived to Kek Lok Tong 極樂洞 (link) which located at the west side of Ipoh.


Trip - Ipoh - Day 1 - Sam Poh Tong Cave Temple 三寶洞

Continue from the previous post,

Spotted a familiar mountain
Ipoh is surrounded by mountains and there is a lot of caves; if I have a chance, I will like to visit all. Anyway back to the topic, Sam Poh Tong Cave is one of the cave temples built along the whole stretch of mountain. (read more about it)

Trip - Ipoh - Day 1 - Concubine Lane

Continue from the previous post,

Our first stop at Ipoh was visiting Concubine Lane (link) and meeting ZN here.

Clear sky and we can't wait to explore the place!

Trip - Ipoh - Day 1 - Flying to Ipoh

Good Morning Blog,

Yawn.... I stayed over to EK's place so we can get to the airport easily.

Thanks, EK's father-in-law for sending us there.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Swimming - Swim at Condo Finally

Hi Blog,

Today I had a meeting with a group of friends at one of our friend's condo! Since I finished work somehow early before meeting, I thought it will be great to use their facility.

Ended up I forgot to bring my sport shoes and wore my formal shoes with sport attire. facepalm..

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Cycling - Night Aug Cycling

Good Evening Blog,

Today was National Day Eve, meaning tomorrow was a public holiday then I will decide to do a night cycling around, and it will be a good chance to bring my waifu fatbike out to test her upgrades.

Suit up my Tron and ready for the ride! Are you ready, my waifu?

Monday, August 7, 2017

Personal - Happy Bday JH

Hi Blog,

Today was a short post to celebrate our bro, JH. Three of us know one another for many many years; if I can recall, it should be more than 15 years. We had many fights and arguments, but we learned to move on. So.... Happy Birthday JH.

Thanks for the durian treat!

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Cycling - Doing Errand

Good Morning Blog,

Today was a short post and this was my first time to take my Waifu out for a ride than hiking because I needed to clear my errand to bring a water bottle to ZQ.

so I can ride up North.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Blog - NDP Songs

Hi Blog,

Recently I happened to hear a new NDP song for 2017 (It seems like every year we will have a new song) which somehow sang okay but it got me thinking about all of the past NDP songs. In the past, if we like any song, either we had purchased the album or recorded it on tape or VHS. Now due to the convenience of YouTube, I can listen to the past NDP songs... Awww.. The nostalgic feeling overloaded and I started to shed tear at some of my favorite NDP songs...

I got so nostalgic, suddenly I felt so patriotic, then started to pick my pencil and started sketching to celebrate NS50 with my heartfelt thought toward my NS life.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Jogging - August Jog

Good Evening Blog,

Today Thursday, I have a chance to get home faster from work as there was only one thing I wished to do, is to jog. Even though ended up I jogged slowly with unimpressive timing, but it was the PUSH that I wanted to have.

Fat and who cares! Let's go!