Sunday, August 13, 2017

Trip - Ipoh - Day 2 - Gaharu Tea Valley 沉香山茶園

Good Morning Blog,

After yesterday tiring tour, my Ipoh friend and driver suggested we go to Gaharu Tea Valley and Kellie's Castle in the morning part of our itinerary.

Everyone was quite agreeable after hearing ZN's sharing of those two places and understood the convenient traveling distance points.

Approaching Gaharu Tea Valley
Gaharu Tea Valley/Agarwood Plantation (link) is located Gopeng, southern direction of Ipoh and it seemed like Malaysia is a place where needs a lot exploration!

beautiful open nature :)
Let's take a group picture together; it was great that they have a stand for photo :)
After paying RM$10 for the whole trip with a tour guide, I was given a free tea bag of Agarwood and I got total of 15 of it.

Tea bags!
Small mini Tickets
We took their mini bus to tour around their plantation and there were three stops to tour around. ZN and his GF didn't join us as they came to this place often... Well... I felt that is waste of time and appreciated their company.

1st Stop
going up the hill and enjoyed the scenery of nice and tidy agarwood trees
We arrived at a platform where they introduced what is agarwood
Beautiful mountain scene

For my 2nd day of my trip, these were my favourite shot.
Wefie with the mountain
Everyone just snapped pic here, we glad we were here without facing a crowd.
brother's shot!
JC took our pictures secretly
Ah! they used Agarwood for furniture too
Tour guide explained to us about agarwood tree
Yes! JC, are you listening to his sharing?
Trying to focus his sharing
Amazed by how agarwood is harvested.
Let's grind some powder
There were three floors platform to spread out the crowds if there is any.
Group picture is a must :)
Did you see this metal stand? It was meant for capture for torture. Hahaha nope! It was for this below.
Checked out the three stories platform
I had weird plan and needed XR's help for picture
My Epic Orochi Jumpshot
We had so much picture-fun at the first stop, let's go for the next stop by the minibus.


2nd Stop
We came to the ground level of the mountain
Classic way for picture.
At 2nd stop, they painted their agarwood trees with some animals, where you can pick one animal and take a pic with.
I shall pick white and black animal - Zebra
A man-made pond to control pests by placing a light above the water. 

Tidy vegetation of agarwood
Gaharu Tea Valley Mascot

Watch over me for my whole life
At 2nd Stop, you can purchase their agarwood tea - it tastes dry and unique taste.


3rd Stop
3rd stop to look at an old lover tree.
LOOK! A piano!
It was meant for seating down
Going down to explore
Beautiful stair setup
Rainbow :3
But when you looked back, the rainbow theme stair smooth my mood.
This was the lover tree - even tree got its own lover... LOL
A picture with the lovers :)
two trees together sent their blessing
Blowing a rock bubble?
Nice wall display
a wasp was captured by red ants
they pinned the wasp down until it went exhausted... I am sorry I can't help you.
Let's have a group picture again
with the rainbow stair
Having fun at Gaharu Tea Valley
After the third stop, we entered their gift shop where you can purchase Gabaru tea bags, Gabaru instant noodles, Gabaru herbal essences for soup etc.

Overall, Gaharu Tea Valley/Agarwood Plantation seemed like one of the highlight of our Ipoh trip, educational and beautiful. many of them purchased some goods from them, but it was costly. For me, I only purchase their tea eggs for consumption.

Next stop was to visit Kellie's Castle.


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