Sunday, August 13, 2017

Trip - Ipoh - Day 2 - Kellie's Castle 凱莉城堡

Continue from the previous post.

It was about noon time, hot and sunny! The moment when we alighted from the vehicle and looked at the castle, we already felt the hesitation to enter this place - crowded and emptiness.

The sign was telling us that we were near
Here was the grand abandon castle where people milking on.
Disclaim: Not that I don't like paying money to enter this place; I understand it is meant for maintenance for this heritage but we decided not to enter that place; then just took pictures outside Kellie's castle and learned the history of this castle. (Read more)

But it is a good place for wedding shot with the unique environment.

Floating around
Even though we didn't go in, but a picture of it will do :)

If it was completed, it will look amazing.
Hahaha ended up, we just watched how the artist finished the whole artwork
Here was a time-lapse video below, recorded by QH.

After this, we went for lunch and shopping trip.

Meeting up with Ipoh friends. Long time no see!
Initially, we had plan to go to Hot springs and spa but due to miscommunication and tight in schedule, ended up we didn't go... anyway everyone was tired, as there are kid and elders; at least it was to get an experience of Ipoh. Well, we were back to homestay and rest for our last day trip (click here to continue to day 3).


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