Monday, August 14, 2017

Personal - Thoughts of the Ipoh Trip

"To have a happy trip is not about the location but depend on the people whom you are going with." ~ Jeff
Planning a trip for a bigger group is a challenging task if a group more than 30 like a school will require more group leaders to take care the needs and wants of the people, but everyone seemed very cooperative! Like some helped to foot the bill first then collected later, purchased of some products like water and cup noodles for homestay, feedbacks and having fun!

Goodbye Ian's De Splendid Homestay
Going back to Singapore
Nice paranoia shot of the airport
On our way back we spot heavy pouring of rains!
A picture with the plane
We were struck at the airport, waiting for the rain to pass
Many times I heard that people either bond well or have a grudge with one another after a trip. Different people have different habits like tend to drag time or having some personal dislikes over certain stuff or unpleased with the itinerary, but our team doesn't show such attitudes and learn to work together like a family.

Flying up!
Enjoy the sky scenery :)
Thanks goodness I was not assigned to seat near the wings, next time I should sit nearer to the head of the plane
Epic Sun set
Epic cloud!
Reaching SG sooner
Thank Heaven everyone is kind towards my plan, I appreciate that. My true challenge will be planning for much more people who don't work like what I expected, I guess It is not easy for a planner.

Stuff I bought during the trip, don't judge me because it is affordable.

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