Thursday, August 31, 2017

Blog - August Overview

Hi Blog,

It seems like table overview looks more organized and serve like a report for visitors to learn what I had updated for that month. Most importantly it is for me to log my activity.

3rd Aug 2017 -
First Aug Jog
4th Aug 2017 -
NDP Songs
5th Aug 2017 -
Doing Errand
7th Aug 2017 -
Happy Birthday JH
8th Aug 2017 -
Night Aug Cycling
10th Aug 2017 -
Swim at Condo Finally
12th Aug 2017 -
Flying to Ipoh
12th Aug 2017 -
Visit Concubine Lane
12th Aug 2017 -
Visit Sam Poh Tong
12th Aug 2017 -
Visit Kek Lok Tong
12th Aug 2017 -
Ian's De Splendid Homestay
13th Aug 2017 -
Gaharu Tea Valley
18th Aug 2017 -
Fully Packed Weekend
13th Aug 2017 -
Kellie's Castle
14th Aug 2017 -
Qing Xin Ling
14th Aug 2017 -
Thought about the trip
23rd Aug 2017 -
Awkward Happening
29th Aug 2017 -
Meet our Taiwan Friend
30th Aug 2017 -
Teachers' Day
Random August Posts -
check it out!
31st Aug 2017 -
Trying Different Bikes

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