Thursday, August 10, 2017

Swimming - Swim at Condo Finally

Hi Blog,

Today I had a meeting with a group of friends at one of our friend's condo! Since I finished work somehow early before meeting, I thought it will be great to use their facility.

Ended up I forgot to bring my sport shoes and wore my formal shoes with sport attire. facepalm..
Beautiful Condo where my friend stays
Ready to dive in!
After swimming a few lapse, I started to recall...
Many years ago in PV, when one of the parents allowed me to use their facilities like swimming pool and gym.
I missed those days when I can use it freely especially the gym.
but to look back... those whoever stay in the condo with such facilities, are fortunate ones....
I also learned that my friend's kids don't even use the facilities at all... OMG... why...
How I wish I can own a condo where I can access those place... I will definitely benefit from it
I remembered AL or other friends of mine, will tell me off to just go for the gym then "complaining" being fat... But they won't understand... I really wish I have the confidence to go to gym to keep fit...

But every time (in the past) when I used the gym, when there was a muscular top tier guy showing off his genes and muscle.... I will feel super lousy at myself.... I feel so worthless. I know everyone goes to the gym won't judge me or I should pull myself up... Believe me, I just feel opposite... I will get very depressed whenever I stared myself in the mirror working out in the gym.

In my mind, I only heard negative comments on myself... Really... The only one thing I can do to pul myself up is to continue to workout at my own pace; I should stop comparing myself with others and accepted the fact that I am just shxt. Best is to stay away from the GYM of Church... I don't fit in...because I can't adjust myself to fit in... sigh... oh well... let's move on with whatever I can do now.

Okay Back to topic.

when I tested my camera underwater, I noticed the image got distortion
the curve of the lenses! No wonder our face/object/place/people at the center of the lenses tend to look smaller. Interesting!
oh well... Just relax and stop feeding myself with poison.
I can't forget but I can stop thinking
Hope you won't judge me, blog....
a high five from you? :)
I will maintain. Jia you!


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