Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Cycling - Night Aug Cycling

Good Evening Blog,

Today was National Day Eve, meaning tomorrow was a public holiday then I will decide to do a night cycling around, and it will be a good chance to bring my waifu fatbike out to test her upgrades.

Suit up my Tron and ready for the ride! Are you ready, my waifu?
I mounded the lights for night riding, and realised that I had not been charging my torch battery... So ended up I spent a lot of time mounding and exchanging... Ended up late for meet up with my friends.

Dim and faint light.... during the latest timing, I rode in darkness ahead of me.
even my side laser was getting weaker, this one for sure! After three plus years no changing of battery since GY passed to me. it was a miracle that it still works for me. Thank you GY.
Bought this arm-light for extra signal to the cars or passerby.
Throughout the whole ride, it was smooth and fast. Feeling great for the upgrades.
I will always take picture with my ex-workplace if I passed by here; memory reloaded and a way of how I paid my respect.
Thanks XY, JY and WJ for accompanying the ride. I can't believe we actually had late dinner (supper), durians and dessert... I thought I am working out to cut down fat, but ended up I gained more fat.... sign...
wow 50km! I can't believe it!
During the later part of my ride, I can feel the drag from my fatbike, so I concluded this, the weight of the bike 🚴🏽 will be the determining factor of how long our power can last.
"Lighter the bike is; faster and longer the distance covered; and all depends on how much money that you have pumped in." 
I asked myself did I waste money on upgrades? I will say there are improvement on my riding experience. I have no regret :)


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