Hi Blog,
Just some personal post for the day, Recently I had been thinking through how can I standardise the labels in my blog posts. I can't differentiate some labels clearly so I decided to correct my previous posts slowly.
Like "
personal" and "
sharing", I will make it clear "personal" will be posts about just some short posts or anything regard to my personal life excluded my hobby. As for sharing, will be the moment when I had shared some of my thought or views toward some topics. Hmmmm Not much as I will post most of sharing on another
Like "
thought of the day" and "
randomness", were also another grey areas. Sometimes I don't know why I created such labels... As for "thought of the day" will be some deep thought process during the day, different from "sharing". As for "randomness", is more on I can't think of a title for the blog post.
Even label like "
For blog", I used to label every posts (in the past) with it. Now I have to remove it slowly and that label will be any related to any blog changes or blog layout than my personal stuff.
I guess there are many other labels which I am trying to sort out. Do give me time to do so.
Just like sorting some items in my workplace, feeling happy that things sorted out neatly and properly. |