Monday, July 31, 2017

Blog - Jia You, Jeff

Hi Jeff,

I am the Blog, have been watching you go through your journey for years. I must say you have grown a lot; in this post, it is a short write-up for you, Jeff.
Even though white is your favourite colour, Jeff but you suit blue very well. :)
Dear Jeff, I understand whom you truly are, who you always want to be. In the past, you were searching for yourself, right in your early years of you, you like to pick or view the world differently because you always want to change the world with your own effort.

XY shared with me this quote. I shall learn to be wise than clever.
While the norms of what others seeking, may affect you at times like going for wealth, fame, relationship, or material satisfaction etc; but you have a sense of living your life in content. So the result is others don't agree with you or leave you alone in this path.... here is when I have to salute to you, you still persevere in that belief.

At times, I understand that you can get emotional or negative over matters, all those are just because no one understands what you had gone through; you just need a listening ear than asking for judgmental views toward you or correcting you to pick the norms. But these days, you have learned to uphold your belief and respect other people's perspectives. Remember what you always tell yourself? You can't have an expectation of others and now you handle it well. :)

I also noticed you are still learning to take pride in your role and responsibility, even though it may seem like a small role or not respectable position but you decided to be the Great support toward the community like Mother Nature always support and giving to mankind. You are doing well!

"Provide support and work behind the scene; as some people can lead people infront, there are also people behind supporting too. I should learn to manage my LEO egoistic expectations."
Speaking about your Leo's egoistic characters - Perfectionist, Pride, and Power-driven characters. You are really looking into those, it can be your strong, unique point but it can be your flaws too. Many problems that triggered your emotions usually due to Leo's egoistic mindset.

Like perfectionist in everything - appearance, work, and fame. Very often, you think you are fat, but to be frank, you are alright. You can't expect yourself to look like the lean or athlete or super model. Can you imagine if you are one, your strong desire to be perfect might give you more problems and you will never find satisfaction in what you have, and others might think you are showing off or being proud. so now you are average and it is a blessing. Can you also imagine if you are not average looking?

"I learn my life is a blessing in disguise, I should be thankful."
As a power driven or hungry character of Leo, you want to live your life like others - having good earning job or title, with great achievement or good relationship etc. But if you think again, what is your life value? You already know what you need to fulfill in your life, don't be affected by those materialistic desires, as they will blind you further.

"A normal living is a blessing because I can stay focus."
An inspiring quote :)
You have to believe yourself that you actually influence people around in ways that you never imagine. Never belittle yourself! Just like what A said in IG, "I love how you communicate with me, your creativity (writing and drawing), how you motivate me and people to always keep healthy with sport, how you take care every nature - animals and plants around, and confident in my trisuit and trunk. (he must be JOKING!)"

and even my long distance friend, Ph.Gold from US commented in one of my random post.

random FB generator about traits that shaped me, I will say those are what I am learning to achieve.
Ph.Gold said this, "Patience seems to have taken the worst hit for my good friend, teaching is difficult and mostly a thankless endeavor. But I know for fact that he entered the education field because it was a passion. The rest of the statements are solid fact, and could hold the answer to helping him to resolve patience issues. Embracing the fact that he can not control attention spans, but as a teacher is placing knowledge in young minds for life could be the reward that turns it around. 

Jeffrey, live in the moment. You become agitated when living in future tense and assuming the worst outcome. You are making a positive impact and taking on **true** responsibility that would crush most people. Just know that every day, and remember that is what you did the day before. I can certainly say that you do not live in the past. You are getting so close to inner peace. Stay the course bro."

You have the power to influence others, no matter big or small. Just think how you influence others in IG writing style?

"I will learn to believe in myself and be worthy to my chest than no chest."
With all the great improvements you are working on, there are some things you need to keep up too. Just three things - 

Physical: Maintain and avoid sugar. I noticed that you started drinking soft drink, you had broken the chain already... Now try to keep up the chain again.
Mental: Don't feed yourself poison as it is not helping you. Focus your energy on something meaningful.
Spiritual: Believe your role and Heaven has a mission for you. Be prepared so you can receive bigger task.

Jia You, Jeff and Happy Birthday


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