Friday, July 14, 2017

Food - The Durian Prince

Hi Blog,

Today I would be meeting my Hawk Coy mates for some durian taste. It has been awhile since we went out together.

We decided to visit a stall - the Durian Prince (link)
As you can see it is just a decent, humble little "deserted" stall in Singapore; unlike other durian stalls along geylang or elsewhere along the road side with big label advertising their existence.
A place to sit around
Despite small stall, the friendly boss himself will pick the best durians from somewhere and sell it here like D24, D18, D13, and even Mao Shan Wang (Cat Mountain King)
Cute drawing of a cat :3
Small in size though but the taste is heavenly. Most importantly it is not about filling our tummy but to taste the best durian meat ever, and it is affordable.

Mao Shan Wang :D my friend said MSW is the easy to identify durian by looking at the base of the fruit, you will see star in shape. Click here to read more of identifying MSW
Updated on 02/04/2018
We went to Durian Prince again and they changed their layout but their service and durians are undeniably awesome! (post link)


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