Monday, July 31, 2017

Blog - July Overview

Hi Blog,

While I was updating some of the late post for May on my China trip which you can check on the right side of my blog. Now I shall start my July overview, it has two months since I started this overview post in table method, no feedback from zero readers as normal; personally, I like how it was arranged so I shall continue this way.

01 July 2017 -
Short Hike
03 July 2017 -
Sorting Out
05 July 2017 -
Happy Birthday JC
06 July 2017 -
Non-stop jogging I hope
09 July 2017 -
Finally meet up
03 July 2017 -
My Fatbike Upgrading
10 July 2017 -
Fetching my Waifu
14 July 2017 -
The Durian Prince Stall
15 July 2017 -
Fixed My Saddle
07 July 2017 -
Spiderman Homecoming
21 July 2017 -
Finally Jog again
23 July 2017 -
Fat Manmaid spotted
20 July 2017 -
Valerian City of 1k planets
25 July 2017 -
Happy Birthday to me
28 July 2017 -
Friday Swim
24 July 2017 -
First Time on Stage
29 July 2017 -
Wearing a shirt
31 July 2017 -
Jia you Jeff!
What an exciting and happening month!


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