Saturday, July 29, 2017

Hiking - Wearing a shirt Over

Hi Blog,

The weekend was here and thanks for good weather and no morning activity, what will I do with it? I will go for HIKING!

What a bright sunny day and I decided to wear a shirt over my trisuit
I went straight to Bukit Timah Hill for stairs-walk 
Behind me was the hell-stair training
Wearing a shirt - so far so good... a lot of sweat though
ah! I bumped to my ex-dxmaian here!? I can't believe it! I don't expect to see any students while I workout, but this one will be a memorable one because they still remember me. :)
my shirt got so wet, I feel it will be Best I just took it out!
I felt much more cooling to just wear trisuit.
I can sense some wind without a shirt.
Like what I had mentioned in my previous post (link) I will wear a shirt if I hiked with other people. Now since I was alone, I will be my comfortable self, do you agree?
I recalled! There is a quarry near here, an abandoned quarry.
I wondered is it behind this gate...
Which is Sin Seng Quarry
I shall take this way and see what is inside.
Look like a suspicious hill might be quarry top
interesting way to make a path for visitors
Thanks to whoever set this up, but it seemed like I can't find that quarry... It might be behind the gate.
I guessed I will have to visit that place again
If I have my drone camera here, I will capture a good shot. :)
If there was a sun ray on my face will be great.
oh my! My fat was about to burst out from my suit!
Let's go then!
What a day of the hike. :) I was glad that I made it, I did some reflection time, hope I can be strong.
I will explore Sin Seng Quarry one day.


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