Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Personal - Happy Birthday to Me

Hi Blog,

Happy Birthday to me! Another year had passed, another birthday again. On this special day, beside many people wishes me, they also gave me something special below. :)

First time was my mother will always prepare red egg for me every year; which shows how my parent's love for me. It also symbolizes the painful delivery of me and provision for my upbringing to this world.
And beside my Bday, my brother's one of the tenant, Yong bought a small cake for MQ and I, as MQ's bday was two days after me.
OH! Something on my desk from Mr HD, Mr DC, Mrs R and Mrs M! Blessed them.
And I got a Bday card and unique rubik cube from my Ex-student - K, JY and Zo.
I felt so touched from their gesture...
Let's take a picture together :)
one ex student, E also surprised me with his snapchat drawing. Miss you E
Then on that evening, I decided to bring my mother to a place.

Did you see something, blog?
Yes Durian fest at AMK Hub!
Just look at how cute the durian graphic here
Mao Shan Wang! Yummy!
There were three stalls here
Spot some YouTuber-Super Stars - Dee Kosh and Sylvia
Durian Aroma spread in the air
My mother invited her friend, her colleague YY to join us. Thanks for coming!
Check out the meaty creamy durian :3
Ah, YY bought a bday for me too!
Happy Birthday to me!
JH and EK, my two bros managed to join in the fest too.
I felt so full... cake, coconut, mangosteen and durian... oh my...
Overall... the durian fest on Mao Shan Wang was a disappointment... I should go to Durian Prince for durians... The durians were dried and watery. SUPER SUPER DISAPPOINTED!

After durian fest, I decided to accompany my bros for a proper dinner.
Overall, my bday was a decent one, I made a wish to wish that Heaven will come to Earth sooner and hope for more strength and lead my journey.



  1. Happy Birthday to you, Jeff1u HAHAHAH Nostalgia HEHEHEHE Your birthday is damn super easy to remember now since it's the day I passed my driving HAHAHA

    1. hAhahah! Thank you bro for reading my blog (personal space) and your wishes. :) Now I know you got your license on my day too. Next time drive me around XD


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