Saturday, July 11, 2020

Hiking - Explore Unexplored Trek (Left)

Good Morning Blog,

The day after polling day was just a normal day for me. Nothing for me to hyper about, but at least, it sent a clear message to the respective governors of what the citizens think. Anyway, today I have something exciting to do, is to hike an unexplored and unofficial trek - WoodCutter Trail (credit uncle E for the info).

Getting ready despite my mind was still sleeping
I was wondered there is a route which I found on Google map at Upper Peirce; its trek will lead to Chestnut Park. Quite often that I witnessed some hikers popped out randomly from the wood.

From Google Map, you can see the trail from Old Thomson Road into Hill Top and link to Chestnut, but I just can't find the route in and had no confident. One day, one of my friends, Vincent, messaged me the unofficial trail at Chestnut Park which he tried before, which confirmed there is a trail there!
Feel energetic and I am ALL-SET!
Let's GO!
Getting ready in the toilet by tidying my hair so that...
Will look good in photos. Okay! Puke...
OH! Mr Sun, are you coming with me? We welcomed you on this exploration.
I like to visit the observation tower but it was crowded
and I shall stay focus and find the entrance.
Oh Yes! The green shoes, I told you that I am changing to a new one but I felt that I should bring it to explore this trek together.
oooo! Not hidden but it is like an entrance for a bear. Hahaha
Time to enter. Goodbye world.
The first sight once you entered
You could see the trail clearly, another word - it is visited quite frequently.
Let's explore deeper
Oh! Live firing area. Hmm... I doubt they still use this area but do keep a lookout.
Our trail will start at this point
Look out the ground, muddy and cycling treks everywhere
It seems like human activity can be spotted here
Another warning sign spotted
I wondered will I be punished for entering a restricted area? I just want to do a normal exploration and nothing else. Don't catch me!
As you walked deeper, the trek seems less obvious but thanks to daylight that you still can follow the trail.
But at the time, you won't be able to spot the trek easily too. Not easy for any inexperienced hiker to try and do it at late hours of the day.
You may spot some well-preserved pottery left from the past.
Can see clearly?
Now it becomes a perfect home for small animals
More pottery spotted!
So far the trek is clear and obvious. Not challenging.
Another warning sign and I got caught by the guards here! Nah, for now, I am safe. Haha.
With the help of Google map app, it seemed like there will have a split ahead of me then I will take the left.
After a left turn was a split path
Spotted some bikers going to another path
Then I shall take the left
Okay! :D
I wondered what is ahead of me, let me show you.
Uphill path
Hmmm... My green shoes can't hold the steep slope.
A red tape tied around a tree beside the trek to mark whoever is hiking here.
Oooo! A few granite rocks on top of the Granite Hill
What a big rock sitting on top of the hill for years.
I checked Google Map again and realised I was off from the main trek. Or is it something wrong with my GPS?
Two paths spotted
Left path or...
right path?
I took the left path from the Granite Hill and realised I am back to the first warning sign and I made a U-turn
Took the right path from Granite Hill to explore where it will lead to.
Managed to spot the fading trek, I continued exploring
This right path has a lot of items and tags tied on the plants along the path
There are a lot of these along the trail. :) Interesting.
I checked Google Map and learned that, if I continued the right path from the Granite Hill, I might walk back to where I started. So Time to go back to Granite Hill, down the slope and back to where the bikers gathered.
Okay! Back to where I made the wrong turn.
Double-check Google Map and ensured that I was on the right trail.
Let's continue the correct path
Hmmm... am I on the right path?
I loaded my Google Map again and yes I am on the correct path
This trail has a lot of surprises of little critters.
Nice feeling to take my own sweet time to take pictures without any pressure or judgment while hiking
Along this path, you can see this trek is used by the mountain bikers.
Check out these treks
Some interesting shots along the trail
AH! Native Pitcher Plant! Nice :D
As the trail led me until here, there are two ways left and right again. I checked on Google Map, there is only one path but here showed a clear path to my left. On my right, it leads to a wide path which I will show you later. But my instinct told me to explore the left path, and I had no regret taking this path.
Because on this path, I found quite a few interesting florae and my favourite too
Feeling so Happy to spot a Nep Ampullaria! Usually, we will find Gracilis and it is too common that no one pays any attention to it.
Hmmm... Some plants blocked the path.
Yup! I strayed away from the main trail
As I looked around, I glad I am here. Look at the wild Pitcher Plants here
Beautiful Ampullaria is everywhere here. It is very difficult (for me) to grow a lowlander Nep and unable to get it to grow its basal.
The high humidity and rich soil make Ampullaria flourished.
Back to the main trail, there is a stream to mark a milestone for my hike.
I can just sit and enjoy the cool water stream
Cyclists were spotted, riding down and they are very brave. I won't dare to do off-road trail.
Another part of the trail seems rather easy, slippery but still manageable.
I learned that this unexplored trek is actually well-maintenance. The brushes are spaced apart to clear the trail.
Double check whether I felt I am on path
Tall trees will help to mark the difference between path and wild.
Wow! They made a bridge for the cyclists to cross over the path, which adds some spicy towards their riding experience and another milestone for me.
As you walked deeper, the plants are low and denser. Lucky the trek is clear.
Many spiders along the way
Alright, I came to a junction and need to decide which direction to take.
Left or right
One which ends at Upper Seletar and another ends at Upper Peirce
Use one of the spinning wheel app to decide for me. It told me to take the left! Let's go! (I also took the right direction in this post, if you are interested, you may click here)
Left Direction seems like a lot of up sloop.
More up sloop like going uphill
Here I was, Hill Top. Another Granite Hill but at a higher elevation.
Time to go downhill
Checking my direction and distance, it seemed like I have a lot which needs to cover.
The trek here is slightly challenging as it fades more than the beginning of the trail. Night or darker light condition is not advisable to hike here. 
Aww... A giant tree stood in front of me.
Look at the thickness of this tree trunk. Feeling amazed to see a giant tree, as it sees a lot.
Long time never take pictures for the "fun-guy", Wish I have a better camera and enough time to take pictures of it.
Did you see something?
Something looked familiar!
From here, I doubt you see the entrance. It hides well.
Yes! Achievement unlocked. Hmm... the Calories seemed rather low. Walking alone can't reduce weight. That one for sure.
Afternoon Upper Seletar seemed rather peaceful.
Thumb up for me! :D
It has been a while since I can get up here during CB period. Great to come back to this Rocket Tower again.
Oh man... I just wanted to chill here...
I shall bring a book and chill here again. At least, now I was away from restricted zone, won't be captured by guards.
Don't know why my imagination started to create scenes if I got caught for entering restricted area. What will happen to me? Kind of scary though...
Okay! Let's don't think so much... After I calmed down, I felt so incomplete due to I have not completed the whole trek. I told myself that I will cover the Right trek sooner and I did in the next day! You may click here to check out the Right trek.


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