Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Personal - Soul Stone True Form - Sodalite

Hi Blog,

Previously I decided to start my infinity stones hunting due to the hyper of Yooperlite (blog post), wanted to complete a personal conquest, wanted to end my shopping therapy and start saving up.

"One down, Five to go."
Recently, there was a study regarding Yooperlite and what makes it fluorescent. Here is the link on the "Discovery".

After reading this another link about how it was named as Yooperlite, as what I was worrying before, there will have people exploiting by fetching high price on a rock, waiting for suxker like me to hook on and I hooked on it.

My Infinity Stone collection begins!
To be honest, I do feel happier to have a small pebble which represents me in real life - a normal typical stone but it has special property within itself until you shine it with a different light.

But Yes, to others, it is just a rock and many people aren't known that certain minerals will fluorescent under uv torch.
- First, no one will own or bring them out a uv torch for any good reason unless they know what they are hunting.
- Second, no one (typical commuter) pays any attention and learn anything about minerals or rocks, let's don't even mention a rock which can "glow"!
- Third, social media helped to boast the popularity of such news.

Anyway, Above is just my thought over this Yooperlite Hype, and the true fluorescent element in Yooperlite (the mineral which makes it glow) is Sodalite.

So I decided to hunt for Sodalite, and learned that Hackmanite has Sodalite. (you can't get sodalite mineral as itself hence it comes in varieties so I can only get the one which is well known)

Finally, I got you! I actually stood by around 10 sec to place my bid for you, as previously, I always got outbid within the last few seconds.
It may look like it displays yellow fluorescent, but in our naked eyes, it is actually orange.
Just like Marvel Movie, you need to sacrifice your loved one to get this stone and I sacrificed my precious time and money for the true form of a Soul Stone.
Darker the light and you can see its orange fluorescence.
Here are some professional shot by the seller.

Normal lighting - I can't believe that the purple is so deep
With strong light, it is so mesmerizing. :)
Interesting is, when you keep it in a very dark place for some time, it will become colourless. It is Tenebrescence. Based on some online information, some hackmanites (from Afghanistan and Burma) start off creamy white but develop a violet to pink-red colour in sunlight, which can fade again if left in a dark environment for some time. What an interesting form for a Soul Stone, as you need to feed our soul with Light (Positive energy)
But its fluorescent is still the Best :) Very Bright!
Interesting thing is its Phosphorescence.
Hackmanite is such an amazing stone which can Fluorescence, Phosphorescence and Tenebrescence! Perfect to be titled as Soul Stone in my Infinity Stone collection.


~Infinity Stones Journey~
A Display Box
1st stone spiked the journey
Short-Wavelength Lamp
Soul Stone - Hackmanite
Mind Stone - Wernerite
Space Stone - Gypsum
Power Stone - Calcite
Reality Stone - Ruby
Time stone - Autunite
All Stones Gallery

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