Thursday, August 29, 2019

Jogging - Aug Jogging

Hi Blog,

Since Feb 19, I have not dedicated a post for my jogging activity and for the future monthly post, I will reserve one especially for jogging.

Despite my jogging time has not improved and slow but I just love jogging to MacRitchie because of the sunset.

1st Aug 2019 - Sometime I just wanted to nap a while after a jog, especially at this unique playground. Too bad, it is too far away from my usual jogging route.
7th Aug 2019 - I tried to do some errands together with a slow jog, seemed like a good idea. :)
15th Aug 2019 - Hmm... Someone was looking at me. Oh! It was a Fat and Lazy me. hahaha! I don't care, time to go for a short jog! go go go go!
20th Aug 2019 - Trying to motivate myself to go for a good slow jog and try to complete the theme. I can't cut down my fat body but I won't let it expand.
22nd Aug 2019 - Jogging alone and trying to create a theme for myself. Sometimes It got me thinking... how long will I be doing this? How long will I be jogging? In my beloved trisuit.
28th Aug 2019 - Finally, I managed to complete one of the difficult trisuit theme today! Yippee! Can try to find another one again. With the headband to prevent my sweat from "attacking" my eyes, is a perfect investment and accessory.
29th Aug 2019 - My mother seemed to get used to me for jogging after work, she will plan and compromise everything after my jogging. Thank you Mother.

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