Friday, August 23, 2019

Swimming - August Swimming

Hi Blog,

I am happy that I have a space for my swimming activity like my hiking.

At least a proper space to categorise certain posts.
Let's check it out!

4th Aug 2019 - Swimming with my swimming buddies because they were trying to ask me to join their mobile games... Oh my...
12th Aug 2019 - To be honest, I really like this trunk somehow. I know my untoned physique can't complement it well but at least, I am very comfortable with it, which matters to me.
18th Aug 2019 - Wearing an Arena trunk and I feel the cutting isn't suited my taste aesthetically. I am preferring a low cutting one. :)
21st Aug 2019 - Today swimming at Jalan Besar Swimming Pool during my pocket time, the water was greasy and salty... I can't swim too long in the pool.
23rd Aug 2019 - I really love Kallang Basin Swimming Pool. It is so quiet and not crowded like other swimming pool. Best :) Not surrounded by tall building.

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