Sunday, April 12, 2020

Product - Shortwave Torch and Other Stones

Hi Blog,

(LATE POST) While I was hunting for other ideal infinity stone and thought of getting a short-wavelength torch because most of the ideal fluorescent colours are easily obtained from short-wavelength than long.

Got this one with my pocket burst...
Hope I can complete my hunting easily with ten random stones.
Warranty card and instruction of getting a replacement bulb
Free safely glasses
I am stupid to get one before this... Sigh... What a waste of money
The highlight of this post!
The name of battery type - hmmm... spend money again.
I went out immediately to get the battery and lucky it doesn't cost a lot.
Ten random stones with two extras
Nice! They wrote down the name and location of this stone.
Two unknown gift-stones
Let's start from the top left to right then bottom left to right.

Fluorite (purple shortwave or longwave) Mason, Texas. Hmm... Reminded of my first Fluorite... I really don't know what is purple or deep blue already...
Willemite (green) from Franklin, New Jersey. Oh man! I already BOUGHT this for Time Stone and it was on its way!
Willemite from Hillsboro, NM, USA. Cream under shortwave? Hmmm... Interesting. I thought Willemite is green.
Calcite (red longwave and blue shortwave) from Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Oh! WHY?! I can save up for it...
Quartz (green) from Chihuahua, Mexico. Interesting looking stones. Green somemore... Trying to hurt my feeling for wasting resource to get one.
Fluorite (purple) from Luna County, New Mexico. Fluorite again?! Can give me something else?
Oops! I missed out the second one... Calcite/Scheelite (Red/bluish shortwave) from Yavapai County, Arizona, USA
Calcite (white/yellow shortwave) from Terlingua, Texas USA. OMG! CALCITE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Calcite (red) from Ogdensburg, New Jersey. Maybe I can make an Infinity Calcite!
Time to put shortwave torch a test!

Wow. The Fluorite, Willemite and Calcite florescent nicely under shortwave! But not every mineral florescent as described...
Closed up of the florescence stones. Calcite/Scheelite has some interesting mixed florescent too! But some are just pure... NO REACTION! Feeling "cheated" as some aren't based on the label...
When I switched to longwave, they seemed so dull. As what many collectors told me that most minerals will react more toward shortwave UV than longwave.
Let's test it n other stones. This is shortwave. Wow! Man! Even my failed time stone Hyalite and that Big Calcite florescent strongly! But Sodalite and Wernerite seemed weak.
Because short-wavelength is a light intensive which will react and charge the electrons in the material. Long-wavelength is longer and space apart which misses the electrons (can't explain in a perfect scientific reason, you can click on this link to understand more).
Try Longwave. Only certain materials will react.
Seriously... I should manage my expectation. Since it is somehow free. I should be thankful and continue my Ideal Infinity Stones hunting.

I bought something extra, Barite. It can fluoresce white/cream in colour, under short-wavelength. Oh well... I just wasted money.

~Infinity Stones Journey~
A Display Box
1st stone spiked the journey
Short-Wavelength Lamp
Soul Stone - Hackmanite
Mind Stone - Wernerite
Space Stone - Gypsum
Power Stone - Calcite
Reality Stone - Ruby
Time stone - Autunite
All Stones Gallery

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