Saturday, August 24, 2019

Personal - Huawei Photography Challenge

Good morning Blog,

Yawning... Usually what will I do, waking up early on Saturday?

Ready for hiking?
But this morning, XY and my cousin were asking me to join them to celebrate their birthday.

But why need to celebrate in the morning?
Because we were going to the Zoo.
It had been a while since I visited the zoo.
And Bopo also joined us because of his birthday too!
Reason of coming to zoo, because birthday personal will have free entry to Zoo but with one condition - must purchase a pair of tickets from the corner.
With the birthday boys, each of us will pay 50% lesser to enter.
We decided to have a Huawei photo challenge in the zoo.
My first zoom shot with Huawei, it seemed good for a handphone standard.
Let's try it here
Seemed okay but have to spam-shot
Ground squirrel relatively active and will impose a challenge for Huawei to capture it sharply.
Xxx switch two pictures below. For a bigger mammal, it was fine but...
Like this one in action, one clearer shot among other nine shots.
What about motionless? Then the picture will turn out uninterestingly.
When you were behind glass, it will add on its blurriness
Zoom in will only make it worse
Ah! A flying Lumar and it was carrying a cub. Lucky it was not moving and quite close to us.
But the situation changed when the animal is nearer to you. Just like this tortoise, it was very near to me and motionless - perfect for photo.
I love to see the skin texture of the animals so random but yet organised
Glass and moving are my photo-rivals.
And uncontrollable factor like... Crowd and boring pose.
Lucky the white tiger (my spirit animal) started to action than sleeping.
Thanks N for the video - Pummy Hippo walked in water gracefully.
Thanks N for the video - Perfect desktop wallpaper
Since we can take better pictures at an enclosed area then we will explore more over here.
Stay and don't move.
This one was an active one and managed to take a shot before it moved again.
Blue Dart Frog - oh my, perfect! It was liked posing for everyone.
Snake is a great poser :) if we failed to take a proper picture of it, don't blame the animal and equipment
Hi Mr Frog. Looking down wondering what is going on with human.
As long as it is still, you can't spot it and you can shot it well.
Oh human is taking pictures then I shall move slowly.
Thanks N for the video of Chameleon in action
You can see me but I can't see you from my view, and I can only see you when I am near you.
My favourite shot of this cute Gecko :)
Look at this cute face :3
Too bad, my face isn't as cute as that Gecko
Without the enclosed area, I doubt I can see Water Scorpion up close. 
Check out the texture of this toad. Amazing
This frog possesses a smart and wealthy look.
Next - we entered a Fragile Forest (like a mini safari) where butterflies and animals roaming freely.
We can get close with the roaming animals.
What a pair of carefree ducks by the waterfall
I can't believe I was standing so near to this monkey, I got worrying but I believe they are tamer than the wild monkey at MacRitchie. 
Giant Flying Fox - Aww they are so cute.
They are a fruit lover :)
Thanks N for the video - Mummum, looks delicious
This bird is so chill
I love such place because of the crowd, I can take my time to view and appreciate every single animal
Hmm the glass really made taking pictures of a hairy Tarantula
Personally, I love pictures which show the depth of field. Like this Hissing Cockroach shot, well-focused.
An important message for us, human beings to reflect
When I looked back at these animals, somehow I feel pitiful of them. Like this Meekat, it is still doing its guard duty and they are unaware of where they are.
Either they become 'normal' wild animals like the rest, or some animals which left some memory in everyone's heart; and at least like that Meekat (for example) is in the zoo keeper's heart for taking care of them.
XY's picture - He took one impressive shot from his phone. The Angle and focus, including the stare and lighting, are perfect! He won for today photography challenge. :)
Oh well, overall, it was a good long "hiking" for us, even though it was a 10km walk which I will cover more than that, but I felt the tiredness because of long hour of walking.
Time to go home and zzz...


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