Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Trip - The SG Bicentennial Experience

Hi Blog,

This year was 2019, and Singapore was 'found' by Sir Stamford Raffles and began the development in 1819, and it had been a great 200 years for Singapore history.

So to celebrate this great 200 years, Singapore setup this SG bicentennial experience (link) at...

Fort Canning hill
ZN had a spare ticket because his GF can't make it for the night and I was invited to fill in the empty slot.

Better than nothing because the ticket isn't easy to come by.
As they limited the number of visitors per night than open door to nightmare-crowds which can spoil the whole experience.

Since we were early, we shall explore the exhibition on the top hill of Fort canning.
They were trying to create a "spacetime" concept of how thing begins.
At this "spacetime, it will be covering the days before 1819 and after until now.
In the" spacetime" of Singapore, something is glowing.
Didn't look at it closely because...
Busy taking pictures before the crowds come
Looking through this kaleidoscope...
Another shot of this kaleidoscope at later part of the night with Huawei phone (ZN showed me another way to take night shot)
Let's see what is inside this kaleidoscope.
Hmm can't really understand what I am looking at.
But when I checked from another side, ooo it is amazing.
Some kaleidoscope which only confused me more.
Anyway, it is impressive stuff.
Mini library where you can read some books
Here was some interesting place for instagram.
With Huawei, It can take pictures professionally. Like our handsome model, ZN is the best model for it
Now it is my turn! Credit ZN for helping.
I can't model well for such picture-style. I am just too plain.
Model-wannabe in my dream. Perhaps some other spacetime where I don't look like shxt like now. LOL!
This area was a short summary of the overall SG Bicentennial experience.
Where you can have an interactive corner here
Our time slot was about to start, we should get ready for the show
Everyone gathered in the hall by batches
Lucky it was not crowded
Some interesting info
ZN and I were ready to get in
Here was the act flow for the show.
Wow, sound so grand and exciting, time to enter!
Entering to watch Act 1 to experience rain.

Everyone was told to move around a zone
Where looks like a mini "Jewel" water performance
Impressive light performance
with the help of those powerful projector
I realised that we were standing at the North side of this globe
So I decided to move to the South for better perspective
Until the end... I don't know what I am looking at.
Preview video for this zone
Overall, it was about Climate Story which provides insights into how weather played a significant role in the rise and fall of civilisations and cities.

Moving to ACT 2 - a live performancers and a moving travelator added drama and dynamism to some of the most colourful exploits that unfolded in Early Singapura (as earl as 13th Century).
Here are two preview videos
Next stop to Act 3, we moved up to the second floor.
What an important year in Singapore History
And the signing of the treaty
Shaky video but there was no easy way to video capture in this Act.
Act 3: The familiar narrative of how Raffles came to Singapore in 1819 is retold from an omniscient perspective through the eyes of the local wildlife. We will witness the arrival of industrious instrumental in shaping the fate of early Singapore.

Moving on to Act 4 on the days of Japanese occupation conveyed through dim spaces and cracked tunnels, paying tribute to the brave volunteers and revealing the struggles of real life survivors.
Dramatic and real video act of some people had a narrow-escaped from the Japanese Occupation.
I can feel the fears and hatred during that time from the act.
The Last Act really moved me. It was a scene of raining... why so?
Everyone was asked to grab an umbrella and why so special?
While waiting for the show to start...
Let's start a photo-taking session!
In this Act, showed Singapore independence day, and when was Singapore 1st National Day. On that date, it was raining heavily but that didn't damp Singaporeans' heart and soul. What an honourable moment.
At this moment, I felt so proud to be a Singaporean!
The whole Act started to change and showed Singapore present days.
Showing Singapore's achievement and time when we are more familiar and take advantage of. 
YIPPEE! What a happy and inspiring experience!
I am Singaporean and proud to be one!
Overall, Words are not enough to express how much Singapore had gone through, from the past to now, how many death and blood to push us toward to a better living condition - from unknown island to a popular trading port, having the best airport in the world, insignificant dot on a map which holds its name bigger than its size, different races which live together in harmony through understanding and acceptance and more.

Besides those, the amount of effort into the whole bicentennial experience - helpful staff and volunteers, actors, graphic performance, illustrated cinema, sound and visual effects to open up all our senses. Just Awesome.

Since we had some time, I brought ZN around to explore Fort Canning and tried out Huawei camera mode
Don't lock me up!
As it got dark, this tunnel looks so... INTERESTING!
It seemed like it is not as easy to take good picture because of the shadow of ZN which cast by the back street light... Oh well...
Anyway, I will urge all Singaporean to go to this place, if there is any slot available because the place won't last long.


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