Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Personal - Still Deciding

Hi Blog,

In my previous post (here), I was having problem picking which attire to dress up together with a Spiderman attire during the Teachers' Day Lunching with a theme - Superhero.

Adjust my camera and ready to shoot again.
I had posted a post on my IG here and asked some feedback from my followers and friends.

Shamelessly posed in Spiderman attire... Shxtty face I have.
Here are some of their responses, quite encouraging and positive, and I am happy about it.

Let's start from the left.

First one (Red Hoodie Style)
- No one picks that one which I am not surprised about it.

Second one (Formal Suit Style)
- from baominw: Personally i like the 穿西裝帥帥的蜘蛛俠!
- from reflectedlies: 2nd one looks good 😍
- from yangbeeeeee: Second one from the left
- from timothy: Shirley says the 2nd one. I agree too..but worry quite 麻烦 for u to eat.

Third one (Sport Style)
- from oneorangeriver: 3rd one!!!
- from lookitsxiwen: I'd say 3rd one is the better option. 4th works too but I feel that white pants doesn't match the rest of the outfit well.
- from seanserdan: sports attire one best !!

Forth one (Stick to the color Style)
- My favourite but maybe because of the awful looking shorts

I was happy because there are some 'spiderman' fans PM me their suggestions and feedback. I shall share one of their sharing by V.

"Hi Jeff. Just saw your Spider-Man post. Being a Spider-Man fan myself - I think you should go ahead and wear the entire suit and mask - cos I think your physique looks fine - seriously. However, I’m not sure which is your insecurity - body or the fact that you will be wearing tights. If it’s body - maybe just throw on a jacket - but if bottom maybe just wear a pair of sweat pants over it. In any case, you may want to keep your clothings to the red and blue colours so that the look will remain true to the image of your friendly neighbours Spider-Man. Hope this helps and not adding to your dilemma. Have a great school event!

Anyway, I looked at your 4 pic again - if you’re going to chose one of these 4 pic - I think number 2 looks good cos I don’t think I’ve seen Spider-Man in a formal suit before. Instead of imitating what others have already done before - Spider-Man in hoodie and all - and I have seen many in IG - be original. Spider-Man in suit is definitely original.

I think that would also be wise on your part. Since some of the teachers are so conservative and they have indicated their preference - it would be good not to create further animosity between you and them - especially since you will see them daily. There will definitely be otter occasion that you can wear your complete Spider-Man suit at. Enjoy your event - that’s the key!!"

So the options left to decide, were Formal Suit Style and Sport Suit.

I watched one of the youtube videos of wonderful spiderman cosplayers, they will wear a inner tight before putting on the actual costume. So I decided to wear my failed trisuit.
And ready for it
Sorry messy room
Hmm...  Is it better? At least my ugly nipples and fat tummy are tighten down
Can do stylish move at ease XD
Testing Sport Style with a new alternation
How do I look? Somehow I feel that I need to wear a pair of Sport shoes but this suit already has a in-sole.
Or I just go like this!
Hmm... Never mind. Still a fat spider here. Oops! My neighbour just stepped out from their house, and I had to hide elsewhere until the coast is clear.
Let's try other attire.
Why not, I just go without the shorts? Easier! But... the not-yet-judgement from others and myself started to enter loud speaker mode.
What about this? Actually this style is simple and still acceptable. Button up seems okay for me to hide my untoned tummy.
Because of the loose mask, I sewed a snap fastener.
How do I look?
With Mask, I look so different. Hope to get the faceshell around my head size.
I thought of something, what about this costume?
Showing my butt
What if I put on the Sport Attire?
Better? Hmmm... nope... :(
How about this? Option A (Left) and Option B (Right). I think I will go formally like my friends said.
Since my colleague will be dressing up as SpiderGirl here, I should dress formally. :)
Sigh... Feeling lousy is my poison... but V encouraged me, "xxx"

Thank you V for your kind words. :) Thank you!


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