Monday, April 13, 2020

Personal - Power Stone - Calcite

Hi Blog,

LAST POST. In my previous posts (in case you missed out those. I had collected the Soul Stone, Mind Stone and Space Stone) I am fascinated by the fluorescence property stone that reflects something in me. I realised that I was on my Infinity Stones Hunting journey - to hunt for the perfect representative of the fluorescent mineral which has certain coloured fluorescence. Anyway, today I got two mineral and let's focus on one of the stone - Power Stone (Purple in colour).

Wow! I am so excited as I got two minerals from the same seller, saved some shipping fee.
Let's open and see what I got! Basically... just some failed purchased.

This is Fluorite - I love the slightly yellowish crystals in matrix formation but it seems rather small though...
It can't stand upright so I have to take a picture as it is.
Try my LED UV torch and it's overly hauled by purple light.
But with convey 2+ with filter, it displays purple fluorescence property.
In fact, whether it is Convey or LED UV torch, the outcome is not satisfying...
If purple is going be the power stone, this Fluorite mineral will seem rather small and weak... Like the fluorescent potion is not large enough.
Oh well... I guessed I have to find another purple fluorescent mineral for a replacement. After careful research for Purple Fluorescent property online... I realised that there is no purple fluorescent. Whatever Purple glow which we saw/captured in the pic, is not purple but deep Blue in colour.

Since I already have Gypsum as for the Space Stone, Fluorite might be a good choice for Space stone but through our eyes... It is fluorescent the purple-blue but it is not perfect representative for my Infinity Stone Collection.

So my hunting continued...

I went some intense research and read through some collectors' advice and direction. Most of them suggested Fluorite is purple... Some said Kunzite (interesting name) so I zoomed to get it from eBay.

Wow. I got a parcel from Pakistan. Hope the strength of purple is good on this.
Disappointment... Under Long Wavelength, it is pure...
But short wave length, it does show its Purple florescent property.
It is a good size for Infinity Stone but I can't afford a shortwave light... so It will be sealed (rejected).
To make my blood boiled more... There is one more promising stone - Agrellite. From eBay pictures, the stone seemed perfect.

When it arrived, it has a perfect size but discounted volume...
But... Under longwave... it looks pale...
and effective under shortwave. But...
Reason why I am looking for a long wavelength Infinity Stones because long wavelength torch is easily obtained and cheaper than short. (Updated: My short wavelength torch weaken and not ideal to be the main light source so I have to source for other replacement for Power Stone) Sigh... disappointed... I wasted a lot of resources on it... I shall continue my hunting... The next day, my long waiting parcel for two other stones for representing Reality (link) and Time Stone (link) had arrived; the best thing was the seller included a free gift for me! :D

The free extra gift is Calcite, from where? I don't know. No much detail. He wrote, it will be Pink under Longwave, Blue under Shortwave and Purple for Midwave. And this Calcite has phosphorescence property too!
A small sugar-rock alike stone
Under Long wavelength, it shows Pink and it is a perfect colour for Power Stone!
Under Short wavelength, it turns Blue. What an interchangeable mineral.
I got my Power Stone by luck! Thanks Heaven and that seller for this gift.
But my conquest had not ended as I don't feel satisfied and I found something similar and bigger stone in my shortwave length torch purchase (link).

From this pack, I found a better Power Stone!
This is an unknown Calcite and at least, it is bigger and nicer colour as compared to other calcites.
Yes! under long wavelength, this Calcite looks more purplish than other calcite.
Like a rock sugar Hahah... yummy
Finally got my POWER STONE!
Calcite can't be the real Power Stone because of lack of uniqueness... I thought Calcite's fluorescent belongs to Red, as you can check out my Reality Stone hunt (link). Disappointed but one collector told me that, I can achieve Infinity Stone by just collected ALL Calcite material. It comes with all kind of colours. That's comforting. :) Since from the comic and storyline, Power Stone is a need and be the first stone to wield the rest of the stones.

Calcite is the Power Stone

~Infinity Stones Journey~
A Display Box
1st stone spiked the journey
Short-Wavelength Lamp
Soul Stone - Hackmanite
Mind Stone - Wernerite
Space Stone - Gypsum
Power Stone - Calcite
Reality Stone - Ruby
Time stone - Autunite
All Stones Gallery

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