Monday, August 12, 2019

Personal - Long Weekend Holiday

Hi Blog,

This week was an exciting week of 2019 because of... LONG WEEKEND! Many of my friends had plans like going JB, Batam or others. For me, I can't go anywhere but to engage in 'Free' activities. Some people just don't understand that I have to save enough for many things and many of them think that I am making excuses. Oh well, I am used to such comment. I don't need to explain to them especially they start to distant themselves. Either I just follow their words and SPEND SPEND, just to make them feel happy, then what about me? Anyway, I can't be bothered anymore.

On the 9th Aug 2019, the sky looked rather moody... But I will still go for a short hike.
Dressed up and felt sleepy
But since W had asked me to go for a short hike, then I took this to push myself to stop being lazy.
Walking toward his place
Waiting for W to settle his kids for a while...
Here we were! But MacRitchie was filled with many visitors...
This is W, my swimming buddy and old friend.
The visitors were EVERYWHERE!
Thank you bro who doesn't mind helping me to take pictures.
Purpose of visiting MacRitchie was to visit the newly renovated boardwalk and many visitors
Now everyone can walk on this new boardwalk safely.
The sun started to warm up. Hi Mr Sun.
But at MacRitchie, it was crowded. My mood got spoiled. Hahaha.
Then Late Afternoon time, Bopo asked us out for dinner and hunting for something, then watched some fireworks.

Bopo and XY were hunting and deciding which perfume he should be buying.
Bopo introduced to us one new bubble tea brand - Tiger Sugar! OMG! The taste and aesthetic are amazing! I finished drinking it within less than 5 mins. Gee! I will want some more!
XY, Bopo and I were a bit impromptu during National Day but I love this. :)
Due to the road blocked and crowds, we just stood at a distance away from the crowds and admiring the fireworks. Happy Birthday, Singapore!
Then we had a good HTHT (heart to heart talk) session, I glad everyone benefited from the session.
Yawning... Time to rest for the next day...

10th Aug 2019 - I decided to take my waifu out but...
My mother wanted me to clear some errands at my elder brother's house, so I decided to spend my weekend to accompany my mother and had a breakfast session with her.
And she allowed me to cycle up to my elder brother's home
After I had cleared some errands and time to do something at my Elder brother's house...
Time to give my waifu a good wash
Nice and clean waifu :)
I have nothing to do, so time to play my phone, drafting my blog post, edit some pictures and zzzz...
Time to cycle back
And went up to my sister's house for next errand.
Today I realised that by spending some time with my mother, actually made her feel happier and by visiting my siblings and stayed overnight to hear my sister's new work, nasty experience; these helped to bond us even more.

11th Aug 2019 - I do not leave my morning slot empty so...
I dressed up and went for a short jog near my sister's house.
New place and I was excited to visit newer places
This was my second time to visit Woodlands Waterfront.
I will take my own sweet time to explore this place!
Quiet as compared to MacRitchie, just peaceful :)
Check out the heavy traffic jam at the causeway to JB. Lucky my petty wallet saved my misery.
At least, I was on the less crowded "causeway" which is nearer to JB
Let's go further somemore!
Mr Sun seemed like he just woke up.
This is a simple fishing place
Where people gather to catch some fishes... So sad for the fishes... Please leave this place as far as possible!
Let go further down
Hmm... don't know why... I have a strong feeling of loneliness...
but I will just don't bother... I know that loneliness is due to people just don't understand me.
I guess Mr Sun understands me well.
At least, Mr Sun will embrace and warm my heart by giving me a lot of trusts and wordless encouragement.
Alright, Time to teleport to elsewhere
birdie birdie
Time to go for a proper jogging
I can't believe that I yawned while jogging. That's bad. I need some rest perhaps... but...
I will still go and explore other parts of the park
Last time, my last visit of this park, it was still under renovation and now, they had completed and they made a swamp trail.
another quiet place :) nice!
but the number of mosquitoes here was inevitable.
Check this swamp out - oily and smelly. LOL
If you checked this place properly... You will spot some interesting creatures here, like at the bottom right...
Mudskipper! It is a big one.
What about here?
With the help of Huawei, you can observe them living humbly
If there is someone beside me, we will have a good HTHT (Heart to heart talk) session
It seemed like MR Sun started to warm up.
Really love the tranquility of this park
Strong Pink lily spotted at the distance.
I forgot that I supposed to jog!
One last look and...
Jogging jogging
Tired feet and I glad that I sweat some water out.
Afternoon time, Time to go back home with my mother and had a good rest before having dinner with my aunties.
My body got rather tired when my body rested on my own bed, like... FINALLY.... zzzz

12th Aug 2019 - XY had nothing else to do and used to spare some time to sweat out. Since I was planning to go for a hike myself, it will be great to accompany someone.
I left home around 7am like how I do daily to work.
I shall hike first and then meet XY at Beauty World.
I felt my legs had not wakened and somehow refused to go for a long walk...
GO! Legs! Walk now!
Finally, it started to move.
Check out my fat fat tummy...
Today was the last day of a long holiday... Will MacRitchie has lesser visitors?
Oops! I was wrong...
OH! Mrs Tree woke up and greeted me.
Thanks Mrs Tree for your encouragement. I will continue my journey.
ooo! Hi there, What an interesting Cockroach! So Cute for dropping by :)
Okay! People and People. but I sensed something wrong...
Today was Monday, which means the Tree Top Walk closes on every Monday.
And after Tree Top Walk area, there are no many visitors.
Finally, I had a Me-Time.
Hi Mr Sun, Are you accompanying me for today hike too? :) I guess my loneliness still stick on me but it just got manageable.
Hmm... Look at the traffic here, in the past few days, this expressway was a Nightmare for visitors to JB and now, it became problem for another side.
Reading Beauty World Station to meet XY and brought him to explore Bukit Timah.
Hmm... We were flooded by visitors!!! I brought XY to the summit and explored a park which he won't know...
Yes! Chestnut Nature Park! Thank you XY for helping me to take pictures which I always want!
I want to take pictures here in my SPiderman suit though... I guess I am just day-dreaming.
Yes, I want a picture here too and...
Thanks XY for helping to spam. hahaha!
I always want to explore Northern side of Chestnut Nature Park and this viewing tower is new :) Time to go up!
Spiral up!
Finally, there was a new place to explore for this year and this trip.
Lucky, Mr Sun was kind to us.
gave us a not-that shiny and windy weather to spend some time at the top of the tower.
let's do an old fashion Dub pose. Haha
Give me some power to float again!
I guess I will have to float back home asap because afternoon, XY and I have to meet up with our friends.
While I floated halfway, I have to avoid the web of Miss Spider. (a reminder of Spider, someone who I like secretly)
Back home
Overall, I sat on the web and reflected. Even if I stuck in it, I will manage to escape from it....
After bathing, I had one weird idea...
I went for a short swim in my pocket time before meeting with my friends.
Hmmm.. So if I had posted my swimming pictures here... Should I pose in my swimming post? Yes! I will do so for proper arrangement.
We gave XY, Bopo and CY a surprised Birthday celebration. :) Happy Birthday to August Babies.
Bopo introduced another milk tea to me, which was ParTea. I ordered Honey Milk Tea and It calmed down my urge for milk tea. After drinking it, it did calm me down... the strong and authentic fragrance of tea leaves, which has a fusion of sweet and "zen-ness" of tea, just perfect and calming.
We took a group photo in front of their stall and their friendly staff also joined in the fun and marked a perfect memory of our group meet up. Thank you ParTeaSG
Oh my! What a fruitful long weekend. :) I did a lot of things. Hope one day I can get over my loneliness and some nasty people who I still care. How did you spend your long weekend holiday? Share with me. I will like to read about it.


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