Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Personal - MR liao

Hi Blog,

Today I received a letter from Army and it was about my National Service, I got MR!

Despite I have not completed my circle.
What is MR, you asked? MR is an acronym for Mindef Reserve is a reserve force where Singapore National Servicemen will be posted to after they have completed the their full ORNS (Operationally Ready National Service) cycle. I was told that every NSmen need to complete seven high-keys in-camp training and three low-keys training, in order to MR. But for this case, my age hits 40 so no more in-camp training for me.

They told me to dispose my uniform to a nearby dispose area properly. As I packed my uniform, I felt a strong feeling of amiss...
I guessed the main reason of emotional because I learned something from my previous in-camp training (blog link) and I will like to continue to serve my country as much as I can, but I guess my time was up.

I decided to keep a set of each uniform for memory
Thanks, my brother to drive me to dispose my old uniforms.
We went to TPY Safra to dispose. It is located at B1 near the carpark.
Time to say goodbye to my uniforms... 
oops! the box struck.
Removed those out from the box
Alright... uniform... Goodbye...
Closed. I had to leave that place asap without turning back to have a second look. They will be missed.
To think back... I should consider myself a fortunate one because I ended with a sense of responsibility and liking to serve our country which not many Singaporeans might able to experience. So the remaining set of uniforms just like my Superhero suits, keep me reminder who I am.



  1. Great at last you have completed your national duty to serve Singapore.


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