Saturday, April 11, 2020

Product - A Display Box for Stones

Hi Blog,

While I was in the midst of receiving my remaining stones. I felt that I need to get an ideal place to store/display my Infinity Stones.

I got myself this display box
Let me check you what I did with this display box.

Hmm... It has light under the platform which I don't need.
Done! Easy task.
I also purchase this stand to display my Infinity Stones
I don't need all, so I put up Six stands.
I put up the ideal infinity stones I had gathered sp far
I tried to shine with my UV torch Convey 2+ and... it was not impressive...  because the torch's light beam is limited
Even when I tried to put them together, somehow it has it's limitation too... the Reality stone is so unimpressive... and Fluorite (planned to be Power Stone) and Gypsum (Space Stone) looks like the same colour. Even the Soul Stone that first ignited my Infinity Stones collection passion... Seemed lacking...
I placed my ideal Infinity Stones worthy minerals on the stand and while...
the rejected ones will be placed below like a graveyard.
Since I got the short-wavelength lamp. I thought of a way to put it...

I took a box cover
With an opening on top for the lamp
Self-made covered (I think I will redo next time) and replace the top with the cover
Black backdrop is perfect
Lamp was in position
Ta-ta! Wow! Just look at this! How powerful is this short-wave lamp. (sadly... its intensity does not last long... After a few months of uses.)
I tried my convey 2+ Long-wave torch. Nice...
Wasn't it beautiful if it can light up like that permanently? Sadly... After a few usages... The lamp can no longer function properly... The intensity was gone...
Meanwhile, my remaining stones had arrived (except two more which they struck for like three months) below were some pictures which I had tried to finalised which stones should take the top stand to become my rightful Infinity Stones.

Under the long-wavelength torch, These are the outstanding minerals to be selected except the Power Stone and Reality Stone, both are Calcite... So not ideal.
I can't place the torch on top but I lilted it in front of me. I guess Long-Wavelength is the UV type for my Infinity Stones which I am seeking for...
While I was trying to set up... I purchase one more mineral - Halite which will react strongly with short-wavelength to replace the Soul Stone (link) as it is too weak under short-wavelength.
For short-wavelength, it is a nice touch but can't really bring out the yellow fluorescent
Lastly, my two stones were found (arrived after a long waiting) and replaced. Here is my final Infinity Stones Display!

Don't you think they are just beautiful?
Time to snap my fingers! Wish everyone can be happy and positive toward their lives by 50%.


~Infinity Stones Journey~
A Display Box
1st stone spiked the journey
Short-Wavelength Lamp
Soul Stone - Hackmanite
Mind Stone - Wernerite
Space Stone - Gypsum
Power Stone - Calcite
Reality Stone - Ruby
Time stone - Autunite
All Stones Gallery

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