Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Blog - May Overview

Hi Blog,

Here is an overview for my May posts. Hmmm... who cares anyway? LOL

1st May 2018 -
Distracted Hike
2nd May 2018 -
Movie Time, Assemble!
9th May 2018 -
Why Why Why
12th May 2018 -
To North
15th May 2018 -
New DxPS Open House Poster
16th May 2018 -
3rd Update of VFT
17th May 2018 -
Saving a baby bat
18th May 2018 -
Meet up Old Friends
19th May 2018 -
Two New Quarries Visited
26th May 2018 -
Lazy Saturday
Random May Posts -
Check it Out
30th May 2018 -
Thought over my Attire

Personal - Random May

Hi Blog,

Even since Aug 2017, I started and standardised my randomness post; It has been nearly more than a year. I can see that my random post for the month isn't that interesting as it is random and uninteresting. Well, for me, it is a good place to park some of my random moments and random thoughts of the day.

Oh well... I shall keep one thing in my mind... It is my blog (diary), it is not for others.

Personal - Thought of My Tight Attire

Hi Blog,

In this post, I will share my thought over my attire. Usually I go for fitting clothing and hugging pants and I wore straight cut or loose pants but on a shortie and average-looking Asian, I just look plain and uncomfortable (to be honest). Many people say loose pants will make me look mature; I am wondering... Is it because of how majority's neuron associate loose pants with maturity?

The top is those MATURE people will wear and the bottom is those CHILDISH people will wear
Sometimes... that logic is biased disregard individual's comfort level, and conformed by stereotypes.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Personal - Lazy Saturday

Good Morning Blog,

Today is Saturday and I supposed to meet one of my friends for hiking trip, but LAST min, he got some matter to settle. Initially, C asked me to go for swim and gym on the day before, but I turned him down because I promised K first. Well... who knows... last min changes and now I am struck half way that I can't join C for a swim and feel so drained.

Take off my shoes and stay indoor

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Hiking - Sin Seng and Kampong Quarry Visit

Good Morning Blog,

Saturday Morning, K invited me for a hike and he sounded like he had gone through some matter and he wanted to recover his usual routine. Since CC has something on, I shall hike with him and re-visit some places for my quarry research.

Getting fat as my double-chin showed... I accept it, I am aging... Sooner... my tummy will age more too.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Personal - Meet Up Some Old Friends

Hi Blog,

Today my secondary friends decided to host a meet-up together via Facebook invitation. It has been so many years since we separated for our own study. Let me see... I graduated on 1998 until this date, good old 20 years ago! When I scanned through the number of people going, were people who were from another class.

(Sa's pic) One of my schoolmates, Sa, she will be bringing our yearbooks for nostalgic effect.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Personal - Saving a Baby Bat

Hi Blog,

This morning I found something weird on the floor here, guess what is that?

Oops... My title revealed it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Plants - SG VFT Survivor Clones - 3rd Update

Hi Blog,

This is my 3rd Update of my SG VFT survivor clones (you can check 2nd update here), growing them is a joy so far. Unlike my previous experience won't last me for more than six months with some unknown problem, but I should not worry and enjoy whatever I can.

Time to trim and tidy them up

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Design - New and Improvised DxMai Open House

Hi Blog,

Last year post (link) I had designed my two DxMai mascots and spent some time to enhance it. This year, I received the confirmation of date of DxMai Open House and I knew I will be tasked to design a poster for this event.

I learned it will include the upcoming merger from ExPS, so I created two new mascots for ExPS!

 Let me explain what newer changes for this round.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Cycling - To North

Good morning Blog,

It has being awhile since I last cycled to visit my senior, who stays alone and single.

Rest and workout... which one should I choose? I choose workout because at least I can workout and fulfill a purpose.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Jogging - Why Why Why

Hi Blog,

Recently I made a post about my reduced-weight (link) and my time of slimmer tummy had come to end...

WHAT!!! 72KG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Personal - Movie Time, Assemble!

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post about the night when my friends and I were catching a movie which we had been waiting for years!

And that was Avengers - Infinity War
It was also the day when I can bring my Infinity Gauntlet (post link) and have fun with it!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Hiking - Distracted Hike

Happy Labour Day Blog,

Weird enough... No one asked me out for a morning meet up - like hiking or swimming. Well, I guess I am a boring person after all. Beside I have no interesting experience/story to share. Hahaha... I have to learn to accept myself. :) That is me.

Back to topic, what did I do during my morning time? Hmm... well, CC wanted to explore more of her place and I promised to teach her English, so I spare the morning available time to bring her to Coney Island before afternoon meeting.

Ready to meet up? :)