Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Personal - Thought of My Tight Attire

Hi Blog,

In this post, I will share my thought over my attire. Usually I go for fitting clothing and hugging pants and I wore straight cut or loose pants but on a shortie and average-looking Asian, I just look plain and uncomfortable (to be honest). Many people say loose pants will make me look mature; I am wondering... Is it because of how majority's neuron associate loose pants with maturity?

The top is those MATURE people will wear and the bottom is those CHILDISH people will wear
Sometimes... that logic is biased disregard individual's comfort level, and conformed by stereotypes.

Many gave me feedback like "Jeff, your pants is so TIGHT!" "Go and change a looser one." etc etc. Worst of all, "Jeff, Tight pants is for homosexual people." Oh my! How can they associate clothing with homosexual???

OF COURSE, there are gxy wear tight pants, but straight men do TOO! Our sexual orientation has nothing to do with the choice of clothing! All I know is men will wear whatever they feel like even when it includes tight jeans. Some straight men will wear leggings for workout, and leggings started off from women, but that doesn't proof any homosexuality on them!

(Credit Look at them. They will receive more compliments than geek like me. I know some people will still stand by their taste and give dislike comments, but keep the comment to yourself as you aren't wearing it.
So yeah I know the truth is because they are buff and good looking, and others can just simply enjoy the sight of them in it; but when an ugly geek wears it, will blind the entire world.

Sometimes I sympathize him when others find a reason to mock him. Ask ourselves, is it because he doesn't have the physique to compliment the yoga pants?
Earlier on, I mentioned majority's neuron issue. They seem to forget tight pants isn't new, in the 70s fashion, tight pants was already widely promoted.

(credit Popsugar) Check out fashion in the early 70s. What is the difference between 70s and now? Tapered and not-that-high-rise pants. Theirs were tight too! Many people in the 70s wore those pants
Have you ever seen an executive wear in Singapore nowadays?

(credit your sassy bunny) Look at this executive attire. Fitting and slim. Where is the gxy vibe??
I know I don't have the right physique to wear clothing that is comfortable and flattering as the model does above. In the '90s tended to be a bit baggier and even most youngsters (schooling) tends to wear baggy uniform because they are still in the growing stage.

(credit IIE) From this pictures, the pupils don't wear fitting clothing because every guy is wearing such loose and baggy uniform. Whoever wears slightly tighter attire will be drawn additional comments from teachers or mocked by their peers for being gxyish looking.
(credit Vasion) despite it is a Korean boy band, but it shows how the teens will dress apart from their baggy attire.
Most of the people who give me comments, are usually from the 80s or 90s. For me, I don't follow fashion. I go for comfort and personal preference - fitting feeling attire. To be honest, I do really wish I have awesome physique like this model below.

Look at this body modelling for Ternos Decinel store. With this body style, whatever attire he wears will feast many people's eyes and no one will object him.
You see this guy wears TIGHT pants but does anyone say anything? Do you see him as gxy? What if he was holding hands with a guy romantically? Believe me, no one will comment anything wrong with his choice of pants or bother by the tightness of his pants. Why so? It is because of the wearer. They are the 'forgiving' one.
Despite of feeling unfairness but I know how the beauty-bias works, I accept the fact; so I will concur tight pants has nothing to do with homosexuality. After settled homosexual perspective, others feel it is uncomfortable to wear tight pants. Honestly, I started wearing fitting... okay okay tight pants for quite recent years (maybe six years as dated). Why so? Because I realised the new material for pants.

(credit instylebeads) Something special in this jeans
Generally, the fitting pants has this stretchy factor which is what I love the most. Basic slim or skinny pants usually have 1% elastane in them. For more extreme skinny pants, the stretch material goes to 2% and then 3% being the stretchiest. With some small percentage of elastane/spandex and 97% cotton makes a fitting pants very stretchy and comfortable to wear, and produces a form-fitting profile; in fact many fitting pants is 'tight' in the legs area than the torso area.

So what is TOO TIGHT? Too tight is when you start to get groin pains, bladder problems, or walk uncomfortably.

Do I suffer from such symptoms while wearing my pants? NOPE. But seriously, there are people around us won't like guys in TIGHT pants.

Check this out, it is a funny post! Maybe the point 2 hurt me.
To be fair, I understand others just simply care for me, so they shared their concerns. I appreciate that. For now, I know my intention and reason so I will just be comfortable in whatever I like.

Previously in my OOTD Gallery (link), I showcased my Outfit Of The Day and here is my Gallery II, and nothing special about it.

This place will be a great spot for modelling some OOTD pictures from beginning of April, sometimes I will miss out a few.
Believe me, it is difficult to keep it at the same level and angle, but I did my best already. Let me know which one you like?

Here is my OOTD Collection II. Do you think I should do something like this? Let me know in the comment session. :)

Whatever I had shared above, are purely based on my perception over my attire and credit to those images used in this post.


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