Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Hiking - Distracted Hike

Happy Labour Day Blog,

Weird enough... No one asked me out for a morning meet up - like hiking or swimming. Well, I guess I am a boring person after all. Beside I have no interesting experience/story to share. Hahaha... I have to learn to accept myself. :) That is me.

Back to topic, what did I do during my morning time? Hmm... well, CC wanted to explore more of her place and I promised to teach her English, so I spare the morning available time to bring her to Coney Island before afternoon meeting.

Ready to meet up? :)
I was trying to get the right angle for my next theme but I had to try many times to get it right...

Not easy task but sooner I will have the right tool to do it.
Waiting for CC to get down.
She has not explored much around her area, so I brought her around, and after 30 mins + we arrived the "red bridge".
Moody weather made today trail lesser people.
She loved to pick up flowers and stuff, and wanted to make Flower-chi (kimchi) for me. BUT I just want KIMCHI!
Spotted some beautiful flowers along the way :)
Stormy cloud spotted.
I guess we can't visit Coney Island as what I observed, we only left 40 mins before the rain touches our skin.
So we turned back and visited Coney Island again. On our way back, we spotted a group of young nature photographers. How nice to have a group who share interest together.
I guessed today is a flower day. So many beautiful flowers blossomed.
Sigh... Distracted hiking trip... but to think again, initially I want to visit Ubin and lucky I didn't. :)
What did you see? CC
Yeah. I know storm is coming.
Back home and teach you English.
Hmmmm something wrong with my tummy... I felt so bloated....
Or just a fat fat me...


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