Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Personal - Random May

Hi Blog,

Even since Aug 2017, I started and standardised my randomness post; It has been nearly more than a year. I can see that my random post for the month isn't that interesting as it is random and uninteresting. Well, for me, it is a good place to park some of my random moments and random thoughts of the day.

Oh well... I shall keep one thing in my mind... It is my blog (diary), it is not for others.

1st May 2018 - These few days... I don't know why... I feel super bloated... I don't feel well...
4th May 2018 - I am officially Circles.Life user! Yippee! I can watch videos as much as I want!
8th May 2018 - Recently... I felt emo because my weight started to hit me back and especially my bloated tummy actually hurting me physically and mentally... I don't feel any good of myself...
12th May 2018 - Happy Mothers' Day, Mother. Thank you for being an anchor in the family and I am glad that we can take pictures together.
14th May 2018 - One thing I am sure by today, I have decided to walk the path together with someone; so for this moment, I will take two more months to know her. May Heaven bless me.
15th May 2018 - Despite raining weather, I still went for a short and slow jog. Something which I just have to do, but I think further... Am I ready for the new relationship or am I bond myself too fast?
20th May 2018 - Got a chance to go for swim and revealing my fat fat body... I am a good representation for having a lousy body; so should I be proud of? Hmmm... oh well. Hahahha. What to do? I just have to accept it.
25th May 2018 - Before I packed my gauntlet, I decided to bring it to my workplace and let my pupils to have fun with it. And one more great thing is that I finally recover from my injury (post link)! Almost two months plus!
29th May 2018 - Holiday! Finally wait for it to happen, I thought can go for hiking but nope... because last min someone fled my kite and ZN wanted to go for a swim. Okay... and my double chin starts to show... I guess fat on shortie, aging Asian like me is inevitable... I just have to embrace what is coming. Standing beside No7 (my favorite number) to mark the day that I know I can have a good toned body if given the right environment but I choose a different path when I was young - a spiritual path which need to be 'toned' and many people don't take it seriously.

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