Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Personal - Movie Time, Assemble!

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post about the night when my friends and I were catching a movie which we had been waiting for years!

And that was Avengers - Infinity War
It was also the day when I can bring my Infinity Gauntlet (post link) and have fun with it!

The movie was a EPIC one! I can't believe I can actually understand every decision and story-line in the movie. My confused friends had questions regarding villain's motivation and why the movie ended that way, I became a temporary geek explaining the plot or you can check the spoiler video below.

Oh my! Life-size Marvel Superheroes! WOW! How I wish they can have all the character-displays here.
I decided to wear my gauntlet home proudly for understand Thanos, and while waiting at the bus stop, a youth approached me and wanted to take a pic of that gauntlet. I decided to let him wear the gauntlet and I took a picture for him. :) I enjoyed seeing people smile with joy.
Infinity Gauntlet - IT IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Infinity Gauntlet does put a smile on my face.
Epic pure Epic.

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