Saturday, May 12, 2018

Cycling - To North

Good morning Blog,

It has being awhile since I last cycled to visit my senior, who stays alone and single.

Rest and workout... which one should I choose? I choose workout because at least I can workout and fulfill a purpose.
Wear all white and hurry to go!
I also wanted to utilize my broken camera.
One of my favourite shot of the day -  as it is really difficult and awkward taking such picture in the public. why so? can you imagine that I have to place my camera, return to pick and ride my bike, and look natural for the pic? It is tough.
Or I go for something easier like this.
Or something more easier - selfie! Anyway it doesn't matter, as long as I have the mood to take pictures.
He is P, my senior who took care of me when I was young. Thanks for the treat!
Now I will announce my new way of smiling. I will only smile like this when my face filled up nearly 30% of the picture.
Hahahah! what a boring and nonsense post. Anyway today is Saturday, many errands waiting for me to clear!


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