Saturday, May 19, 2018

Hiking - Sin Seng and Kampong Quarry Visit

Good Morning Blog,

Saturday Morning, K invited me for a hike and he sounded like he had gone through some matter and he wanted to recover his usual routine. Since CC has something on, I shall hike with him and re-visit some places for my quarry research.

Getting fat as my double-chin showed... I accept it, I am aging... Sooner... my tummy will age more too.
While hiking, I spotted a ray of light. Is that a healing from Heaven because of yesterday event?
To be honest, whenever I see this ray of light I will feel #energetic as it is a good representative of Hope and Faith. Usually I will see such ray afar and now it was a reachable direction, so what should I do? I “bathed” in it! :)
Today hike was a quiet and less-crowded one. 😆 Great peaceful Hike!
K's eyes were sharp, he spotted a scorpion at the side of the road. Rare opportunity for a photo. 😊
Sin Seng Quarry (Lost)

Sin Seng Quarry isn't like other known quarries I explored, it is buried inside and there is no clear picture or mining of it. The only clue I got is...

This red gate beside Sin Seng Quarry.
A picture with Sin Seng Quarry's last reminding of the past.
Maybe one day I will try to walk this path to see what is waiting for me.
Kampung Quarry (Gone)

Kampung Quarry was one that I missed out despite I visited there by many times. I learned about this place from this website (link link) Based on the only clue from the sites, I suspected it might be some remaining of the Kampung Quarry.

Along this road, I was getting closer.
Did you see the structure hiding in the vegetation?
The nature took over the rocky unknown man-made structure.
Clue of human settlement.
I didn't take note of this path before and today I see it clearly.
This three structures had stood up strongly and withstanding the beats of time and nature invasion.
I will stand beside it.
Can you spot something here? What do you see?
Wall to protect no one anymore.
Granite stair.
I wonder what is up there.
Is there a ghost from the past?
Time to calm it down
Some remaining from the past
More structure
A unique platform to hold the ground.
This place (based on the video) watched many people in the past and ensured the living of people.
What an interesting experience for the day
Time to go back home.
Great day I have, at least I got some healing from nature from yesterday.


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