Friday, May 18, 2018

Personal - Meet Up Some Old Friends

Hi Blog,

Today my secondary friends decided to host a meet-up together via Facebook invitation. It has been so many years since we separated for our own study. Let me see... I graduated on 1998 until this date, good old 20 years ago! When I scanned through the number of people going, were people who were from another class.

(Sa's pic) One of my schoolmates, Sa, she will be bringing our yearbooks for nostalgic effect.
Looking at these little ones reminded me of schooling time. I can't really remember how happy and carefree when I was schooling, but it was also easily forgotten too.
Can find me from this picture? It was my last year graduation class picture. But... Where is everyone... No one turns up for today meet-up...
Despite I barely know anyone who is attending that well, but I won't escape and treasure this moment.
Based on the agreed timing, everyone was late and somehow I felt I decided to give them 30 mins.
Thanks, Sa for showing up and to be honest, I don't remember her at all except 'seeing' her on FB.
After a while, most of the guys started to show up; I looked around, I do have some fainted impression of them, but they are from the same class and still maintain contact with one another after graduation. I was the odd one...
Most of them didn't know my vegetarian lifestyle, so they decided to dine here. So I just ordered ice-cream and while they ordered a large plate of a streak and wine. Besides already being an odd one, now I am officially made an ODD one...
Anyway, I just tried to blend in, but I can't really catch up with their inside jokes. I am okay with that because that is me, I always behind the scene. But... to be honest, what washed me off, are HOW SUCCESSFUL and WEALTHY everyone is; I feel super tiny and ever more out of place... As I continued to listen to their life stories and business network, or how many houses or apartments they had sold and bought, and earned millions... And me... I am just a trainer of nobody. The only single and unwanted... That is me - Lower SES Singaporean.
After that, I didn't join their 2nd round of supper session and looked how happy they were without me to make them awkward.
Sigh... I guess that is my life, I am nobody... I felt so inferior that I didn't make a great name/person for whoever had taught me. On my way back home, there was a song kept on playing in my head and I just simply cried my heart out and stood up strongly again after awhile.

What song is that? Here it is.

** 小 人 物 的 心 声 **
作曲:陈天进 作词:温雪莹
也许我一个人 不能成就一翻大事业
我从来就不在乎 自己不是一个大人物
因为平凡也是一种幸福 看到名人总是忙忙碌碌
我的时间由我控制 平凡日子一样会充实

English translation of this song (source)
Maybe I cannot do a great stuff by myself
but I will give my contribution with my limited power
Maybe I could not be shiny in the mass
But I think I can bring enough shine and light in a small room
I never care much if I just a regular people
Because Regular is also a happiness
Seeing famous people always so busy
But my time is on my control
Regular man days can also be substantial

Thank you Heaven and you are really talking to in a special way. 😇


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