Thursday, May 17, 2018

Personal - Saving a Baby Bat

Hi Blog,

This morning I found something weird on the floor here, guess what is that?

Oops... My title revealed it.
Three years ago, I saved an adult bat before (post link) with enough experience and read up when we found a bat. (weblink)

So I won't touch it with my bare hand.
Oh, it was a baby bat! And it was still moving strong.

I can't leave it on the ground and decided to carry it to my workplace.
Based on my past experience, call an animal rescue team - ACRES (official website) to handle wild animals than myself; so I dropped a message to them and arranged a timing for them to pick it up.

I wrapped it in tissue paper to keep it warm.
The baby bat climbed out from the small box I gave, and it was out to drink some water on the rug. I wished I can have some milk for this baby bat.
The baby bat got rather active, I made a big box to contain the baby bat and also kept it warm under air-condition environment.
Little one, hope ACRES will take good care of it. I heard from them, they will nurse it until it able to fly. Thank you ACRES.

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